The first 9 applets I wrote myself. Number
10 and 11 are modified versions from the net
or collected from the original
author. Number 12 and 13 are written by the other people in this
Here is a Java Bean
Local Applets: (100% Pure Java!)
Stochastic Integration against a Poisson process, and related martingale.
Stochastic Integration against a time changed Poisson process, and related martingale.
Empirical distributions. The dynamic of the limiting process.
The Kaplan-Meier estimator. The dynamic of the limiting process.
The Nelson-Aalen estimator. The dynamic of the limiting process.
Interval censored data, NPMLE of the distribution.
2 and 1 dimensional Brownian motion. The dynamics.
Brownian random pursuit. How long does it take for two drunken men to bump into each other?
Buffon needle experiment. Simulation of pi=3.14159.... It is also mirroed here .
Galton's machine: ball drop. Illustrates Normal curve.
Distribution Estimator with Doubly Censored Data A Java re-implementation of my Splus code d009newr (available at Written by Chen Kun
Bootstrap illustration. Written by (needs a pentium 133 or above to have a decent speed)