Which computers have R available at
University of Kentucky?
We have R (an Splus clone) on all the windows machine.
I have written
a short note on R
(sort of R survival guide). library I wrote or modified.
A simple R function for
compute the Kaplan-Meier estimator.
A simple R function for
compute the Nelson-Aalen estimator.
An S/R function for compute the
Kaplan-Meier estimator at given times.
(needs survival package) [this is too complecated, see below.]
A simple S/R function for compute the
Kaplan-Meier estimator at given times. (needs survival package)
An R function for compute confidence intervals
by nonparametric bootstrap bias corrected percentile method.
An R function for compute confidence intervals
by nonparametric bootstrap percentile method.
A two-sample log-rank test, for R.
A one-sample log-rank test, for R.
A combined test, good for cross hazard alternative.
Compute the power of a one sample binomial
Compute the power of a chi-square test,
for testing the equality of several proportions (rates).
Compute the power of an F-test,
in the oneway ANOVA setting.
Estimate the hazard function from right
censored sample.
Fake data from n, xbar, and s.
This might be used to do a t-test, or z-test.
Z-test (t-test with a known var) .
Splus Functions to do stepwise
regression by PRESS
Some R/Splus or SAS examples.
An example of use apply with 3-dim
array and survfit
A sas example.
A sas example of logistic regression.
A sas example (oneway ANOVA).
A sas example (2 way ANOVA).
A sas example (ancova).
A sas example: proc lifetest.
A sas example of proc lifereg.
SAS examples of phreg
Move data from SAS to R
Some Links:
Graph in LaTex
(translate S to C)
A book called Spoetry.
(for programmers.)
Windows Unix-like Utilities
vi on Windows9x.
All about vi.
Download DOS32 version of vim that handles long
file names. (450k)
Gcc on Windows
C, C++, F77 compiler, etc
TTSSH: A terminal emulator/telnet client for Windows.
An R manual