Spring, 2013 STA 624 - 001 Applied Stochastic Processes
Instructor: Dr. Mai Zhou
Office: MDS 343, Mailbox: MDS 307, Phone: 257-6912, E-mail:
Web page (this page): http://www.ms.uky.edu/~mai/sta624.html
Office Hours: M 4:00-5:00PM or by appointment.
Class: Mon/Wed/Fri 1:00 PM -- 1:50 PM at ( MDS 337 ).
Mid term Exam: March (22+25) ! Final Exam: May 1, Wednesday 1:00 PM -- 3:00 PM.
S. Ross (2010 edition). Introduction to Probability Models, 10th Edition.
Homework1 (new) : Sol correction: Sol2
Homework2 (new) Sol
Homework3 (new) Sol
The following links may be of interest:
Learn Counting Process in 15 Minutes!
Time changed Poisson Processes
Poisson Process Applet
Markov chain demo More JAVA demo
We shall cover Chapters 5, 4, 6, (in this order) of the textbook;
(I intend to follow the book pretty closely)
plus some additional materials selected from chapter 10
(Brownian motion, martingale etc.)
Homework 35%
Midterm Exam 25%
Final Exam 40%
Homework: there will be weekly/bi-weekly homework assignments.
After each homework is assigned for at least
10 days, I will randomly select a student to present your
solution to the class. So be sure to finish homework on time.