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Fall, 2007      STA 662 - 001 Bootstrap and Other Re-sampling Methods

Instructor: Dr. Mai Zhou

Office: P. O. T. 849, Mailbox: P. O. T. 843, Phone: 257-6912, E-mail: mai@ms.uky.edu, Web page (this page): http://www.ms.uky.edu/~mai/sta662.html
Office Hours: TBA or by appointment.

Class: MWF 1:00 PM -- 1:50 PM at CB 307. Final Exam: 1:00PM Dec.14, 2007.

Textbook:  An Introduction to the Bootstrap  by Efron and Tibshirani. Chapman Hall/CRC 1993.
Reference books: Bootstrap Methods and their Applications  by Davison and Hinkley. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997.
 (more theoretical) The bootstrap and Edgeworth Expansion  by P. Hall. Springer 1992.

Computing: The ability to perform repetitive computations quickly is essential to this course. Some examples of statistical/mathematical
packages useful are: R/Splus, SAS, MatLab.

Course Description: The Bootstrap and other re-sampling methods, hailed by some as the ``New Statistics" that ``revolutionized 1990's statistics" is a method made practical by the vastly improved computing powers. I shall try to explain in this course:
The following notes may be useful:
What can simulations do? Note1
Some examples of second order accuracy of parametric bootstrap Note2
Empirical distributions or sampling distributions.
A note by H. White
A note about empirical likelihood and bootstrap
A chapter about bootstrap
Some tips about efficient R programming

Example of bootstrap regression, 1 2 and 3
Example of bootstrap logistic regression
Example of  using control function as in re-centering
Example of  Importance sampling, as in nonparametric bootstrap
Example of  skewness

Homework + a project 50%
Midterm Exam 20%
Final Exam 30%
Make-up Policy for Missed Exams: Make-up quizzes and exams will be given only for university excused absences. Requests must be made at least one week prior to the exam, when possible, and must be approved. If you are unable to attend and exam due to unforeseen circumstances you must contact me or the department office (257-6115) as soon as possible (within 2 days). Absences due to illness must be documented by a clinic, doctor or hospital visit and a note of explanation. Late homework and computer assignments will be accepted only for university excused absences.