The Appolonius/Pappus m+n lines locus problem :

Given m+n distinct lines and a point [Maple Math] not on any of them, determine the locus of all points [Maple Math] such that the product of the distances from [x,y] to each of the first m lines and the distances from [Maple Math] to each of the last n lines is the same as the product of the distances from [Maple Math] to each of the first m lines and the distances from [x,y] to each of the last n lines.

Supposedly, Descartes invented analytic geometry to solve this problem. Let's tackle it with Maple.

Sample case : take 5 lines: y = 0, x =0, x+y =10 , x= -5, y = -5 , m = 3 and n = 2, [x0,y0]=[1,1]

The distance from [1,1] to each of the lines is easy to compute, except to the line x+y =10. Here we can use the fact that the distance from [Maple Math] to [Maple Math] is [Maple Math] .

> eqn := x^2*y^2*(10-x-y)^2/2*6^2*6^2 = 1*1*8^2/2*(x+5)^2*(y+5)^2;

[Maple Math]

> lins := {x,y,x+5,y+5,x+y-10};

[Maple Math]

> plots[display]([plots[implicitplot](lins,x=-17 .. 17,y=-17..17,
color=black),plots[implicitplot]({eqn},x=-17 .. 17,y=-17..17,

[Maple Plot]

What kind of graph is this?

It is the union of two graphs, each of a cubic equation in x and y. Below we have factored the equation and graphed each factor separately.


> eqn2 :=factor(lhs(eqn) -rhs(eqn));

[Maple Math]

> op(2,eqn2);

[Maple Math]

> plots[display]([plots[implicitplot](lins,x=-17 .. 17,y=-17..17,
color=black),plots[implicitplot]({op(2,eqn2)},x=-17 .. 17,y=-17..17,

[Maple Plot]

> plots[display]([plots[implicitplot](lins,x=-17 .. 17,y=-17..17,
color=black),plots[implicitplot]({op(3,eqn2)},x=-17 .. 17,y=-17..17,

[Maple Plot]

What about the general case? Is the 3+2 line locus always a union of the graphs of two cubics in x and y?

To resolve this, we need some tools. Using the formula for the distance from a point to a line, we define a word dptl which returns the square of this distance.


> dptl := proc(lin,pt)
local a,b;
b := coeff(lin,y,1);
a := coeff(lin,x,1);
subs({x=pt[1],y=pt[2]},lin)^2/(a^2+b^2) end:

> dptl(a*x+b*y+c,[x[0],y[0]]);

[Maple Math]

Next we want a word to return the equation describing the m+n locus for a given list of m+n lines and point.

> appmn := proc(lins,pt,m,n)
local i,j;
convert([seq(dptl(lins[i],[x,y]),i=1..m),seq(dptl(lins[j],pt) ,j=m+1..m+n)],`*`)=
convert([seq(dptl(lins[i],pt),i=1..m),seq(dptl(lins[j],[x,y]) ,j=m+1..m+n)],`*`);

Testing this on the case we just did:

> eqn:= appmn([x,y,x+y-10,x+5,y+5],[1,1],3,2);

[Maple Math]

Now make a word to draw the m+n line locus.

> drawit := proc(lins,pt )
local gr,eqn,plt1,plt2,plt0,urc,llc,n,m;
if nargs < 3 then m := 2: n := nops(lins)-2: else m := args[3]: n := args[4]: fi;
if nargs < 5 then llc := [-10,-10]: urc:=[10,10]: else
llc := args[5]: urc:= args[6]: fi;
if nargs<7 then gr := 49 else gr:= args[7]: fi:
eqn := appmn(lins,pt,m,n,llc,urc):
plt0 := plot([pt],color=black,style=point,symbol=circle):
plt1 := plots[implicitplot]({op(lins)},x=llc[1]..urc[1],
y=llc[2]..urc[2] ,color=black):
plt2 := plots[implicitplot](eqn,x=llc[1]..urc[1],

> drawit([x,y,x+y-10,x+5,y+5],[1,1],3,2,[-10,-10],[11,11],100);

[Maple Plot]

To work on the general 3+2 locus problem, form the equation describing the locus.

> eqn:= appmn([seq(a[i]*x+b[i]*y-c[i],i=1..5)],[x[0],y[0]],3,2);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

Notice that the denominator of each side is the same, so we can cancel it to form eqn2.

> eqn2 := numer(rhs(eqn))-numer(lhs(eqn));

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

Now notice that we have the difference of two squares [Maple Math] here, so we can factor this. If you just tell maple to factor it, be prepared to wait forever, it simply cannot do it. We can construct the u and v factors by hand however.

> u:=convert([seq(map(op,[op(op(1,eqn2))])[1+2*i],i=0..4)],`*`);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> v:=convert([seq(map(op,[op(op(2,eqn2))])[ 2*i],i=1..5)],`*`);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> eqn3:= u-v;

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> eqn4:= u+v;

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

By inspection, we can see that these two equations are both cubics in x and y. In fact, the method here works for any m+n locus problem and we can state the following theorem.

Theorem: The graph of an m+n line locus equation is the union of two graphs, each of which is the graph of an equation in x and y of degree max(m,n).
