Assignments: There will be six assignments during the semester, spaced at roughly equal intervals. These will be discussed in lecture and then posted at the course web site for down-loading. Each assignment will have a due date, but we encourage you to work on the assignment early. On the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th assignments, you may submit a preliminary version for comments and suggestions prior to the final submission.
Office Hours: My office hours are 10-12 am MW and 9-11 am F, but you can reach me by email anytime. I check email at least twice and usually can respond quickly to questions. If you have some technical question about Maple or LaTeX, it helps if you include a snippet of the part that is not working and the error message you get, if any.
Submitting Assignments: You will submit assignments by email. Maple assignments will be submitted on Maple worksheets. LaTeX assignments will be submitted as .tex files. These are both ascii (text) files and so can be sent via email with no problem. Include your name and the assignment number on each submission. I will return comments and a grade for each submission.
Grades: The 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th assignments are worth 15 points each; the 3rd and 6th assignments are worth 20 points each. Your grade will be based on 100 points, 90 to 100 A, 80 to 89 B, etc.