9/16  Things to do:
The following is a more or less step by step listing of things to do in lab for Tuesday.   As your team works through the list,  you will undoubtedly think  of other things to do.   This is good.  You might not have time to try every thing you think of, but try a few of them anyway.   You can insert comments into a tex file by pre pending a
"%" symbol at the beginning of a comment line.   Latex will then ignore everything on that line at typesetting time.
  1.    Working on an old exam

  2. Double click on the chisel icon to run chisel, wait until the Welcome to chisel page comes up, and then click on the Main page link.    Near the bottom of this page, some materials from a previous chisel are located.   Go there and click on the link to First semester calculus materials.  Choose  the link to skills test for calculus 1,  then choose  the link to skills test 1 practice, and when the page for that comes up, click on any one of the links entitled  ZIP.    A popup warning of a possible security hazard comes up:  choose the "open it" option and save  in D:\chisel\tmpdir.
    Now open up a texshell (by clicking on the texshell icon on the screen).   It comes up in D:\chisel\tmpdir.   Put your cursor in the shell window and type the command dir /w  and press return.  You should see the directory practsk1 listed there.  Type  the command  cd practsk1  and press return.   Type the command  dir /w  (and press return) to see that several files starting with practsk are there.  Use gsview32 to examine practsk1.ps with the command gsview32 practsk1.ps.    Note the reference to the  Student identification number and TA's name.
    Problem:  Use wordpad to open practsk1.tex and take out those references, by commenting the appropriate lines.  Go through the editing cycle  (using latex, dvips, and gsview32) until you have succeeded. Useful hint:  To see the tex files, enter *.tex  in the filename box.
    Use gsview32 to look at problem 4 on page 2 of practsk1.ps.  Note that the numerator and denominator of the fractions in parts a) and c)  are small.  There is a macro \bfrac defined at the top of practsk1.tex which  you can use in place of \frac to make the numerator and denominator in larger type.
    Problem:   Make this happen.  (Hint:  Replace \frac by \bfrac in 4a) and 4c)  and reprocess with latex and dvips)
    Notice that the document practsk1.tex is a LaTeX 2.09 document.  You can tell this by the top line, where it says \documentstyle.  We can change this to a LaTeX2e document easily:  just replace the  line
    with the lines
    We have included the color package in this document, so we can use color in our typesetting.   To make all the text blue, insert the command \color{blue} right after the line \begin{document}
    Problem:  Change practsk1.tex to a LaTeX2e document with color as outlined above.
  3.    Messin with quizzes

  4. Go to the workshop web site  http://www.ms.uky.edu/~carl/sum98.html  and  Download the zipfile of quizzes (choose Save file) to tmpdir and unzip it with the command  unzip quiz.zip  There are six files in this zipfile:  quiz1.tex, quiz2.tex, quiz3.tex, q1.tex, q2.tex, and qroot.tex.  First test out quiz1.tex to see if it will latex.
    latex  quiz1
    dvips  quiz1
    gsview32 quiz1.ps
    This is not 'really' a  quiz, as you can see.  It only has some ingredients  of a quiz.  A place to write your name,  a list of questions, and some 'graphics'.   There is a  picture drawn with Latex using 'picture' commands.  Look these up in your  LaTeX2e book (p 120) or  using the link to LaTeX2e help on the class website.
    Problem:  Modify the picture in quiz1, to draw an isosceles right triangle and modify the first problem to reference it.
    There is also a blank sheet of graph paper in quiz1.   This is drawn using  the command \graphpaper.  But there is no problem that uses the graphpaper.
    Problem:  Modify the second  problem so that it uses the graphpaper.
    Problem:  Process and print out a copy of quiz3 and work it.
    Root files
    A root file is a tex file which contains a preamble (the formatting commands above the \begin{document} line), and a number of \include or \input commands, which are used to include separate files at typesetting time.  For example,
    qroot.tex  is a root file, which includes q1.tex and q2.tex
    Open qroot.tex in wordpad and observe its structure.  Now open q1.tex in wordpad and observe its structure.  Note it looks just like quiz1.tex, except the preamble and begin/end{document} lines have been removed (or commented out).  Files which are to be included in a root file cannot have a preamble or begin/end{document} lines.
    latex qroot and then dvips it to  get a postscript file to look at with gsview32.
    Problem:  You have modified quiz1.tex above.  Open it with wordpad, and comment out the preamble and begin/end{document} lines.  Then save it and open qroot.tex with wordpad and add the line  \include{quiz1} just below the \begin{document} line.   Reprocess qroot with latex and dvips.  Then inspect with gsview32.
  5.    Looking at Koblitz's Calculus I book

  6. Go back to the Main page of the Chisel disk and click on the link to Koblitz's calculus material.  Then click on Koblitz's Calculus I   (development directory).  When that opens up click on the link to book contents and choose the open option in the window that pops up.   Save the directory in tmpdir as usual.    Then in a texshell cd   d:\chisel\tmpdir\calc1.    This directory contains all the files needed to produce Koblitz's calculus I book.   Do  a  dir /w  *.tex  to list all the tex files in the directory.  Note there is a chap1.tex, hmwrk1.tex, etc.   Also, there is a root file, called root.tex.    LaTeX this file, dvips it, and then use gsview32 to look at root.ps.   This is the edition used by several sections of Ma 113 last fall at Kentucky.   Note that it has a table of contents and an index.
    Problem:  You want a short version of Koblitz's book consisting of the first three chapters, and you want it say   The (your) high school edition on the front instead of University of Kentucky edition.   How to do it?
    Solution:  edit root.tex and remove all the includes except for those relating to chapters 1, 2, and 3, and the coverpag.    Then edit the coverpag and change the reference to University of Kentucky to your school.   Reprocess and inspect with gsview32.