Some Principles of Counting
Two sets A and B are said to have the
same cardinality
if there is a 1 to 1 function from A onto B. If n is a positive integer, then a set A is said to
have cardinality n
have n
) if A has the same cardinality as the set B =
. A set is
if it has cardinality n for some positive integer n. If A is a finite set, the notation
is used to denote the cardinality of A. Thus if A = {a, b, c, 4, 2}
then |A| = 5.
Suppose X is a finite set you would like to count. Here are seven methods to try.
Brute force. . Make a listing of the members of X and enumerate it.
Use brute force when you are trying to see a counting pattern in order to conjecture a counting formula. Constantly use it to check the accuracy of your solution of a counting problem.
Partition X.
If X is partitioned into a collection of pairwise disjoint nonempty subsets
, i = 1..n. then
This is a time honored 'divide and conquer' method. There are always ways to bust X into littler subsets which might be more easily counted.
Problem. How many words with n letters start with 'an' or 're'. (A word is a finite sequence of letters from the 26 letter alphabet. Repititions are allowed.)
Solution. did in class.
Overcount and correct : If X is the union of finite nonempty sets A and B, then |X| = |A| + |B| - |A intersect B|
Justification. This counting formula follows from the partition formula above: if A intersect B is empty, then it we have a partition of X into A and B; otherwise we have a partition into 3 sets: A-B, A intersect B, and B-A, so |X| = |A-B| + |A intersect B| + |B-A| = |A| + |B-A| = |A| + |B-A| + |A intersect B| - |A intersect B| = |A| + |B| - |A intersect B|.
Problem (a poker probelm). How many 5 card hands are straight or flush (a straight is 5 in a row, a flush is all 5 of one suit).
Solution. did in class.
Overcount and correct (general case):
If X is the union of the sets
, i = 1..n, then
Problem. State and justify the formula above for the cases n = 3 and n = 4. Make up poker problems which can be solved using these formulas.
Solution. Chris Rakes will show us this.
Count and multiply. If X is partitioned into m sets, each with n elements, then |X| = n*m.
Problem. A special deck of cards has m suits, each of which has n cards. How many cards in the deck?
Solution. did in class.
Factor X.
If X is the cartesian product of two finite sets A and B, then |X| = | A x B | = | A | * | B |. More generally, if X is the cartesian product of n sets
, then
Use this formula when the elements of X can be thought of as sequences of n indecpendent choices.
Problem. Each book of a library of m (distinct) books is to be marked with 1 of n (distinct) colors, including red. How many different ways can this be done. Note: One way would be to mark them all red.
Count the complement.
If X is the complement of A in B, then
This is also called indirect counting .
Problem. Justify this formula using some of the previous formulas.
Solution. Good exam question.
Problem. Toss a coin n times. How many sequences have at least 2 heads?
Solution. did in class.
More Counting problems.
Problem. How many 5 card hands contain at least one 1 card from each suit?
Solution: count the complement by partitioning. The complement is all 5 card hands that are missing a suit. This breaks up into 4 sets with the same number of elements: all hands with no hearts (spades, clubs, diamonds). The number of hands with no hearts is binomial(3*13,5) so the number sought is binomial(52,5) - 4 * binomial(3*13,5).
> binomial(52,5) - 4 * binomial(3*13,5);
I wouldn't want to check this by brute force.
Problem. How many integers beween 1 and 10000 are divisible by neither 2, 3, 5, 7 or 11?
Solution 1 . Count the complement with counting and overcorrecting in the case n = 5.
> n := 10000;
primes := [2,3,5,7,11];
pp := [seq(seq(primes[i]*primes[i+j],j=1..nops(primes)-i),i=1..nops(primes))];
ppp:=[ seq(seq(seq(primes[i]*primes[i+j]*primes[i+j+k],k=1..nops(primes)-i-j),j=1..nops(primes)-i),i=1..nops(primes))];
prms := convert(primes,`*`);
pppp:= [seq(prms/primes[j],j=1..nops(primes))];
Solution 2. Brute force.
> irem(10000,7);
i := 'i': j := 'j':s := 0 : for i from 1 to n do
if product(irem(i,primes[j]),j=1..nops(primes)) > 0 then s := s+1 fi od:
Same answer. Yahoo!
How many nonegative integer solutions to the equation
Solution: Several people supplied a nice solution to this problem. The idea is to place 27 + 6 pegs in a row and then choose at random 6 pegs. There are binomial(27+6,6) ways to do this. Each choice corresponds uniquely to a solution (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7) to the equations in the following way: say the choice was the 1st, 10th, 11th, 13th, 20th, and 32nd pegs. Then the corresponding solution is x1 = 0 = number of pegs before the 1st one, x2 = 8 = number pegs between the 1st and 10th, etc, yielding the 7 tuple (0,8,0,1,6,11,1). Conversely each solution corresponds to a unique choice of 6 of the 33 pegs.
So the answer is binomial(33,6) =
Here is a related problem.
How many positive integer solutions to the equation
Solution 1
. We could count the solutions in which at least one of the variables is 0 and subtract that from the answer to the previous problem. Let
be th solutions where
. Note that
for all i. For
, let
be the solutions where
=0. Note that there are binomial (7,2) of these sets
for all
. Then the cardinality of the union of the sets A[i] is, by the overcount and correct formula for the case n = 7,
abs(A[1])*`U...U`*abs(A[7]) - sum(abs(A[i,j]), 1 = `i < j <= n`..` `) +
> i := 'i':binomial(33,6)-sum((-1)^(i+1)*binomial(7,i)*binomial(33-i,6-i),i=1..6);
Solution 2.
Here is a clever solution. Let y[i] = x[i]-1, and note that the positive solutions to the original equation are nonegative solutions to the equation
. By the previous device, this is binomial(20+6,6).
> binomial(20+6,6);
Same answer. Yahoo!
A function f: A -> A is said to be
fixed point free
for all x in A. If A has n elements, how many functions f: A -> A are fixed point free?
Count the ones with at least one fixed by overcounting and correcting. Then subtract that from
Here is a function fp. fp(n) is the number of selfmaps of an n-element set which fixed at least on point.
fp := proc(n)
local i;
sum((-1)^(i+1)*binomial(n,i)*n^(n-i),i=1..n) end;
So for n = 5,
> fp(5);
fpf returns the number of fixed point free selfmaps on an n-element set.
> fpf := n-> n^n - fp(n);
> fpf(5);
Question. Does the proportion of fixed point free selfmaps tend to a limit as n gets large?
> rat := n ->(n^n-fp(n))/n^n;
> for i from 1 to 5 do evalf(rat(1000+10*i)) od;
> evalf(rat(1020));
> seq(evalf(rat(1000+10*i)),i=1..5);
> evalf(rat(1200));
A permuation f: A -> A is said to be
fixed point free
for all x in A. If A has n elements, how many permutations f: A -> A are fixed point free?
Problem. N men check their hat at a play. At the end, each man gets a hat back. What's the probability no man gets his own hat back?
Let fpfperm(n) be the answer to the above related problem. then the answer to this problem is
Problem. Each book of a library of m (distinct) books is to be marked with 1 of n (distinct) colors, including red. How many different ways can this be done, assuming that each color is used at least once.
Solution. Let l(m,n) be the answer to this problem.