Posting Maple worksheets to your web site

If you don't have a website, you should get a sac account (they are 'free' to students I believe) and then you will have website. I will assume you have a website and know how to put stuff in it once it is there.

Now suppose you have a homework assignment or review sheet you have written in a Maple worksheet and you want to post it for your students to access from home. Here is a way to do it from a computer running Windows 95/98/2000 with internet access, Maple, zip, telnet, and ftp . (You can tell if you have telnet and ftp by opening up a dosprompt window and typing telnet or ftp. If nothing happens then you don't have it.

I will assume you have zip, telnet and ftp.

Follow these steps: The text in dark red is what you type followed by a return.

0. Run Maple and open the worksheet you want to post.

1. Open a dosprompt window and change to a directory where you keep files. I keep mine in c:\ma502, so I would type cd c:\ma502

2. Make a directory to hold the files you will move to your sac account. Say the worksheet I am moving is called review.mws. I would make a directory called review by typing mkdir review

3. Now I would go to save my worksheet in this directory from the File menu in Maple. I assume you can do this too.

4. Next I would export my worksheet to html in this directory from the File menu in Maple. To do this just click on File , then click on Export As then click on HTML. A save box opens up and you can export to the default name (if your worksheet is called review.mws, the default name is review.html). Make sure that you save to the right directory.

5. Next go back to the dosprompt window and zip the directory review up by typing zip -r review This will compress everything into one file which you will then move over to your sac account.

6. Now open an ftp connection to by typing ftp You will be prompted for your sac loginid and your password. Give these just as if you were logging into your sac account (because that is what you are doing.) At this point you should have a prompt ftp>

7. Move the zip file over to your sac account by typing this sequence of commands (in red)

ftp> bin this changes the file transfer mode to binary, the way zipfile must be transferred.

ftp> cd webdirectory where 'webdirectory' is where your website files are stored.

ftp> put this command actually moves the file over. It may take a few seconds.

8. Open a telnet window to and login to your sac account. Then change to your webdirectory.

9. Unzip the file by typing unzip

10. Change the protection on the directory review by typing chmod -R go+r review

At this point your are ready to add the worksheet to your webpage. I use the Netscape composer to insert a link with text into my index.html