Solutions to More problems

The second exam (Tuesday before Thanksgiving) will be over generating functions, counting problems, and complex numbers. Here are some questions to work on in preparation.

1. The generating function for a seqence [Maple Math] is [Maple Math] . Find the sequence.

Solution: [Maple Math] for some a and b (we'll find them later).

= [Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

So [Maple Math] . Now going back to find a and b. f(0) = 1 = a + b and f(2) = [Maple Math] . Solve to get hey are both [Maple Math]

2. Suppose [Maple Math] is the sequence defined recursively by [Maple Math] for n > 0, [Maple Math] . Find a closed formula for [Maple Math] .


[Maple Math] = [Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

So, [Maple Math] = [Maple Math] since [Maple Math] .

Solve for f(x) = [Maple Math] = [Maple Math] for some a and b.

so [Maple Math]

= [Maple Math]

3. Suppose [Maple Math] is the sequence defined recursively by [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] , and for n > 1, [Maple Math] . Find a closed formula for [Maple Math] .

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math] = 1

[Maple Math] = [Maple Math] = [Maple Math]


> convert(1/((1+x)*(1-2*x)),parfrac,x);

[Maple Math]

So [Maple Math]

4. Prove that [Maple Math]

5. Find the coefficient of [Maple Math] in [Maple Math]

Solution. Work this by brute force, listing all the solutions. First count those using the first term from the last factor (get 6), then the second term (get 5) , then the 3rd (get 4) for a total of 15. Checking with Maple,

> (x+x^3+x^5+`...`)*(x^0+x^2+x^4+x^6+x^8+`...`)*(x+x^3+x^5)=expand( (x*add(x^(2*i),i=0..6))*add(x^(2*j),j=0..6)*(x+x^3+x^5))+`..`;

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]



6. Suppose food baskets with 12 items of three kinds (canned goods, root crops, and meats) are to be made up for Thanksgiving. Each basket must have an odd number of cans (green beans, cranberry sauce, etc), an even number of potatoes, turnips etc, and an odd number of instances of meat (but no more than 5 pieces). If no family is to receive the same type of basket (that is, no two baskets have the same number of each kind of food), how many families could get a basket this halloween?

Solution. Set up a generating function for this problem using the polynomial in problem 5. Each term in the uncollected expansion corresponds to a type of food basket. So there will be only 15 families.

7. Find the number of positive solutions to [Maple Math] .

Solution: Write down the series product [Maple Math] and argue that the coefficient [Maple Math] of [Maple Math] is the answer we seek. For the coefficient of [Maple Math] is the number of terms in the (uncollected) expansion of the product with exponent [Maple Math] . Each one of those terms corresponds to a sequence of 3 choices [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] , and [Maple Math] of terms from the 3 factors of the series product such that the exponents add to n. So we can compute any given [Maple Math] with Maple. Say we wanted the number of positive solutions to x + 3*y + 5*z = n for n from 1 to 100.

> a := n-> coeff( add(w^i,i=1..n)*add(w^(3*j),j=1..(iquo(n,3)+1))*add(w^(5*k),k=1..(iquo(n,5)+1)),w,n);

[Maple Math]

> seq([l,a(l)],l=1..100);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

So for example, there are 298 positive solutions to x + 3*y + 5*z = 99.

Now we can go further here and get a generating function [Maple Math] for this problem

[Maple Math] = [Maple Math] . In theory, we would get the partial fractions decomposition of this rational function of w, expand each term into a nice series with closed form nth term and then add these to get the closed form for [Maple Math] . However, this is only a review sheet and I can promise you that I will not ask you to do this on the exam.

> convert(1/((1-w)*(1-w^3)*(1-w^5)), parfrac,w);

[Maple Math]



8. Compute and express in the form [Maple Math] or [Maple Math] . Draw them on a coordinate graph.

a) [Maple Math] b) [Maple Math] c) The sum of all the Gaussian integers [Maple Math] , with i and j between 0 and n.

d) the square roots of 1+ I e) the 5th roots of 1. f) the sum of the positive powers of [Maple Math] .

Solution: We did most of these in class thursday. I will check with maple.


> seq(evalc((1+I)^i),i=1..10);

[Maple Math]


> i := 'i': j := 'j': Sum(Sum(i+I*j,j=0..n),i=0..n)=factor( sum(sum(i+I*j,j=0..n),i=0..n));

[Maple Math]


> `+/-`*sqrt(1+I) = `+/-`*evalc(sqrt(1+I));

[Maple Math]

In polar form the square roots of 1 + I are [Maple Math]

> readlib(polar);

[Maple Math]

> polar(evalc(sqrt(1+I)));

[Maple Math]


> solve(z^5-1,z);

[Maple Math]

In polar form the 5th roots of 1 are [Maple Math] as i goes from 0 to 4.


> Sum(1/10*(1+I)^i,i=1..infinity) = sum(1/10*(1+I)^i,i=1..infinity);

[Maple Math]


9. a) Solve [Maple Math] for z. b) Find the imaginary part of the conjugate of [Maple Math] , where [Maple Math] .

c) Solve [Maple Math] for z by completing the square. Express the roots in the form [Maple Math]

Solution. a) [Maple Math] = [Maple Math] b) [Maple Math] = [Maple Math] , so imaginary part of conjugate is I c) [Maple Math] , so [Maple Math] , so [Maple Math] . Write -3 + I = [Maple Math] so sqrt(-3+I) = [Maple Math] , and so

[Maple Math] .

Checking with Maple.

> evalc((3-I)/(2+I));

[Maple Math]

> evalc(cos(Pi-arctan(1/3))+I*sin(Pi-arctan(1/3)));

> evalf(evalc(sqrt(sqrt(10))*(cos(Pi/2-arctan(1/3)/2)+I*sin(Pi/2-arctan(1/3)/2)))-I);

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

> fsolve(z^2+2*I*z + (2-I),z,complex);

[Maple Math]

We did it right!

10. Show that if p(z) is a polynomial with real coefficients then the non-real roots of p(z) occur in conjugate pairs: that is, if [Maple Math] then [Maple Math] . Prove the converse, if its true.

Solution. Let [Maple Math] , where all the [Maple Math] 's are real. If p(r) = 0, then [Maple Math] . But

[Maple Math] = [Maple Math] ,

so [Maple Math] is also a root of p. The converse is true. To see it, use the fundamental theorem to write p as a product of linear factors [Maple Math] . We pair off the factors [Maple Math] where [Maple Math] is nonreal and multiply them out [Maple Math] . Note that the coefficients of these quadratic factors of p are real. Hence p can be written as [Maple Math] times a product of linear factors with real coefficients times a product of quadratic factors with real coefficients. Thus p has real coefficients.

11. Suppose p(z) is a polynomial such that if [Maple Math] , then [Maple Math] . Show that the polynomial [Maple Math] has real coefficients.


Note that if [Maple Math] is a root of q, then [Maple Math] is a root of p. By the property of p, [Maple Math] is a root of p. But [Maple Math] and so [Maple Math] is a root of q. So q has real coefficients by the converse of 10.

12. Must a quadratic polynomial with real fixed points have real coefficients?

Solution. As we discussed in class, this is like asking if a quadratic polynomial with real roots must have real coefficients. Let [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] be the roots of [Maple Math] . By the factor theorem, [Maple Math] = [Maple Math] . Upon inspection, we see that [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] are real only when a is real. But of course, we can easily make up a counterexample to that. Let 1 and 2 be the fixed points and take a = I, then [Maple Math] = [Maple Math] has real roots and so [Maple Math] is a polynomial with real fixed point and no real coefficients (that's overkill, we only needed that one of the coefficients is not real)

13. Show every cubic polynomial has at least one real fixed point.

Solution. As discussed in class, this is false unless the coefficients are required to be real. [Maple Math] has for its fixed points the roots of [Maple Math] , which are the 3 cube roots of I, which are I times the 3 cube roots of 1, none of which are real.

On the other hand, suppose the coefficients of a cubic [Maple Math] are real. We can assume a > 0. Restrict z to the real axis. As [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] goes to [Maple Math] also. Similarly, [Maple Math] . So, for some real numbers z[1] and z[2], we have [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] . Since p is continuous on the interval from [Maple Math] to [Maple Math] , the intermediate value theorem says that p(z) = 0 has a solution in the interval.

14. Find the area of the image of the circle of radius 1 centered at 2+I under inversion [Maple Math] .

Solution. We know that image is a circle, so all we need is the radius. The line [Maple Math] contains a diameter of the circle [Maple Math] to [Maple Math] which gets carried to a diameter [Maple Math] to [Maple Math] of the image circle Computing [Maple Math] = [Maple Math] = [Maple Math] . Hence the area of the image circle is [Maple Math] .

15. Find the fixed points of [Maple Math] considered as a Moebius map on the extended complex plane.

Solution. Set f(z) = z and solve for z. The quadratic polynomial is [Maple Math] , and its roots are [Maple Math] . To locate these numbers in the plane, we need to write [Maple Math] where [Maple Math] . Hence [Maple Math] . So the 2 fixed points are [Maple Math] . Note: this is a lot easier if you use Maple to check:

> argument(7+4*I);

[Maple Math]

> [Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

> fsolve(z^2-(2+I)*z -1,z,complex);

[Maple Math]

Well, we computed them correctly by hand.


16. Show that every Moebius map has at least one fixed point (when considered as a map on the extended plane).

Solution: Let the map be [Maple Math] . If [Maple Math] , then there are two complex fixed point as per problem 15. If c = 0, then [Maple Math] is a fixed point.

> solve((a*z+b)-z*(c*z+d),z);

[Maple Math]

> a^2-2*a*d+d^2+4*c*b;

[Maple Math]


17 Which Moebius maps have only 1 fixed point?

Solution. The translations [Maple Math] all have only [Maple Math] as a fixed point. If [Maple Math] = 0 there will be only one complex fixed point.