GeoGebra Worksheet: QUADRILATERALS
On this worksheet, you are only given hints to various GeoGebra
You will need to figure out how to do many things yourself!
- You may need to complete this worksheet at several different sittings;
be sure to SAVE your GeoGebra file at each stage (FILE-SAVE)
and then re-open it (FILE-OPEN) as needed.
- When you are asked to construct (say) an
arbitrary rectangle, this means the following:
-- no matter how you move points/segments, the object remains a rectangle
-- you can obtain any desired rectangle by appropriately moving points/segments
- Select OPTIONS-LABELING-NO NEW OBJECTS to turn off automatic labeling.
- Construct an arbitrary QUADRILATERAL, as follows:
-- With the POLYGON tool, create a quadrilateral.
(Hint: lay out the points in a
counter-clockwise direction; otherwise, you might
not immediately get the angles you want in the next step!)
-- With the ANGLE tool, click on the polygon to obtain all the interior angles.
-- In the INPUT line, find the sum of these interior angles.
-- Use dynamic text to get the result shown below, with exactly the same formatting:
-- Make sure that the 360° is not static text! This sum must be computed by GeoGebra.
Construct an arbitrary RECTANGLE:
-- There are many ways to do this; one approach is given here.
-- With the SEGMENT tool, construct your first side.
-- With the ANGLE WITH GIVEN SIZE tool, create a 90° angle.
-- Using the point at 90° that was just created, draw a line that is
perpendicular to your first side, as shown below.
-- Put a point on this line, by clicking on it with the POINT tool active.
-- This point can move freely along the line, but is not allowed to move off the line.
-- Using the free point on the line, construct the second side of the rectangle with the SEGMENT tool.
-- Be sure to hide all auxiliary objects.
-- Finish the rectangle; the PARALLEL LINE and INTERSECTION tools may be helpful!
-- Label all the angles, and construct the dynamic text as shown below:
Construct an arbitrary RHOMBUS:
-- Use the SLIDER tool to create a slider named "side" with values from 0 to 10
and increment 0.1 .
-- Use the SEGMENT WITH GIVEN LENGTH FROM POINT tool to create two sides of the rhombus, each having
length "side," as shown below:
-- Use the CIRCLE WITH CENTER AND RADIUS tool to construct two circles, as shown below, each with radius "side".
-- Construct the intersection point of these two circles.
-- Finish and label the construction as shown below:
- Construct and label an arbitrary SQUARE, as indicated below:
- Construct and label an arbitrary PARALLELOGRAM, as indicated below:
-- Hint: Use the "Slope[]" command in the COMMAND MENU.
- Construct and label an arbitrary TRAPEZOID, as indicated below:
- Label each of your figures as shown below.
Notice that ALL of these constructions must be neatly arranged in a SINGLE GeoGebra file.
SAVE your GeoGebra file with YOUR NAME, like this:
-- Be sure to put the ".ggb" extension.
-- Use an underscore between your first and last name
and then an underscore and 01.
-- EMAIL this file to me (as an attachment).
- This assignment is worth 50 points.
-- It is due on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, by 12PM.
-- It will be graded as follows:
-- arbitrary quadrilateral (7 pts)
-- arbitrary rectangle (7 pts)
-- arbitrary rhombus (7 pts)
-- arbitrary square (7 pts)
-- arbitrary parallelogram (7 pts)
-- arbitrary trapezoid (7 pts)
-- dynamic text, labeling (8 pts)