6118 - 090
Non-Euclidean Geometry
David C. Royster
Class Syllabus . Click here
for a PDF version for printing.
List of topics to be covered each day. Click here for a PDF version for printing.
Chapter 1: History from January 9, 2002,
available as a PDF file.
Chapter 2: Euclidean Geometry from January 9, 16, and 23, available as one PDF file. This is the amended file that contains the graphics.
Chapter 3: Euclidean Constructions from January 30, available as one PDF file.
Lab Day: Introduction to Geometer's Sketchpad from February 6, available as a PDF file.
Chapter 4: Introduction to Hyperbolic Geometry
from February 13, available as one PDF file.
Chapter 5: Poincare Models of Hyperbolic
Geometry from February 27, available as one PDF file.
Chapter 6: Hyperbolic Analytic Geometry
from March 27, available as one PDF file.
Geometer's Sketchpad Activities
Assignment 4 Solutions using JavaSketchPad
Assignment 6 (What happened to
Assignment 5?)
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