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When proving that a statement P(n) holds for all positive integers tex2html_wrap_inline1209 , two steps are necessary:

  1. First prove that the statement is true when n=1.
  2. Second prove that the truth of the statement for n=k+1, tex2html_wrap_inline1215 , follows from the truth of the statement for n=k. (Alternatively, prove that the truth of the statement for n=k+1 follows from the truth of the statement for tex2html_wrap_inline1221 .)

Example 1: Prove that tex2html_wrap_inline1223 .

  1. Set n=1. Then 1=1(1+1)/2, so the statement is true for n=1.
  2. Assume that the statement is true for n=k (this is called the induction hypothesis). So we assume that tex2html_wrap_inline1233 . Prove that the statement is true for n=k+1. So we want to prove that tex2html_wrap_inline1237 . We can do this as follows:


Therefore by mathematical induction, the formula has been proved.

Example 2: Prove that the number of subsets of an n-element set is tex2html_wrap_inline1151 . For convenience, assume that the set is tex2html_wrap_inline1243 .

  1. Set n=1. Then the number of subsets of the set tex2html_wrap_inline1247 is tex2html_wrap_inline1249 , so the statement is true for n=1.
  2. Assume that the statement is true for n=k. So we assume that the number of subsets of the set tex2html_wrap_inline1255 is tex2html_wrap_inline1257 . Prove that the statement is true for n=k+1. So we want to prove that the number of subsets of the set tex2html_wrap_inline1261 is tex2html_wrap_inline1263 . We can do this as follows: Every subset of tex2html_wrap_inline1261 is one of two types: (1) Those that do not contain the element k+1, and (2) those that do contain the element k+1. The subsets of type (1) are all subsets of tex2html_wrap_inline1255 , so by the induction hypothesis there are tex2html_wrap_inline1257 of them. The subsets of type (2) are all subsets of the form tex2html_wrap_inline1275 , where S is a subset of tex2html_wrap_inline1255 . By the induction hypothesis there are tex2html_wrap_inline1257 such subsets S, so there are tex2html_wrap_inline1257 subsets of type (2). So altogether, the number of subsets of tex2html_wrap_inline1261 is tex2html_wrap_inline1289 .
Therefore by mathematical induction, the statement has been proved.

Look at pages 114-121 in the book How to Solve It to see another explanation of mathematical induction and other examples.

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Carl Lee
Wed Apr 21 08:17:28 EDT 1999