If you contact your primary instructor by email, be sure to place
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Alberto Corso, instructor (sections 001-008).
Alberto is an associate professor of Mathematics and he is currently the director of undergraduate studies in the Department of Mathematics.
He received his Ph.D. from Rutgers University in the area of Commutative Algebra
and held postdoctoral positions at Purdue University and Michigan State University
before moving to UK in 2001. He also held visiting positions at MSRI
(Berkeley) and the University of Notre Dame.
At the teaching level, in recent years he has been involved in
redesigning College Algebra, MA109, and Elementary Calculus
and Its Applications, MA123, as well as in developing a Calculus sequence
for the Life Sciences, MA137 and MA138. Outside of Mathematics he is kept
quite busy by Nina, his adorable labradoodle.
For more information visit his
personal webpage
or read his K-Book interview.
Office: POT 701
Office hours: MWF 11:00-11:50am and by appointment
E-Mail: alberto.corso@uky.edu
Phone: (859) 257-3167
Eric Kaper, teaching assistant (sections 005 and 007).
Eric is currently a xxx-year graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in mathematics at UK. He graduated from ...
Office: Math House
E-Mail: eric.kaper@uky.edu
Office hours: TBA, TBA in the Mathskeller, and by appointment
Phone: (859) 257-2461
Darleen Perez-Lavin, teaching assistant (sections 002 and 004).
Darleen is currently a third-year Ph.D. student in mathematics. She has a BS degree in engineering management from Purdue University and a MS in applied mathematics from Florida Gulf Coast University. Before her MS, she worked as a construction manager in DC and Miami. Other than math, she enjoys playing soccer, hiking and salsa dancing.
Office: POT 718
E-Mail: darleenpl@uky.edu
Office hours: TBA, TBA in the Mathskeller, and by appointment
Phone: (859) 257-6806
Chase Russell, teaching assistant (sections 006 and 008).
Chase is currently a fifth-year graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in mathematics in UK. He received his BA from Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, KY and his MA from the University of Kentucky. For a large part of his undergraduate career, he studied chronic wound healing in diabetic foot ulcers from a mathematical perspective. Outside mathematics, he enjoys running, playing tennis, and throwing frisbee with his dog, Addison.
Office: POT 902
E-Mail: brandon.russell700@uky.edu
Office hours: TBA, TBA in the Mathskeller, and by appointment
Phone: (859) 257-7216
Julianne Vega, teaching assistant (sections 001 and 003).
Julie is currently a third-year graduate student. She received a BA in math and a secondary teaching certificate from Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, PA. Between undergrad and grad school, she lived outside of DC, where she developed a love for the outdoors. In her free time, Julie likes exploring art and trying different mediums, going on hikes, and hanging out with friends.
Office: POT 722
E-Mail: julianne.vega@uky.edu
Office hours: TBA; TBA in the Mathskeller, and by appointment
Phone: (859) 257-6807