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Class Description
MA194 - Computers in the Classroom 2 hours Pass/Fail
Full title for the course: Computers in the Classroom
This course is intended primarily for science, math and technology teachers
interested in learning to use the Internet, Windows 95/NT user interface
and the
CHISEL CDROM. However, anyone
interested in learning how to use Windows NT (from an introductory level),
the Internet (in an educational setting) or the CHISEL CDROM is encouraged
to take this course.
This course is open to any student, staff or faculty member and has no
formal prerequisites.
The course will be televised live Tuesdays and Thursdays from
9:30 PM to 10:45 PM EDT over the Kentucky
Educational Television's (KET) Star Channel
Satellite system. The course will also be carried on a number of local
cable systems, including UK's Channel 16 on Lexington's TCI Channel 16.
The proposed broadcast times for TCI are Tuesday and Thursday afternoons
from 1:00 to 2:30 PM, with perhaps a re-broadcast Sunday afternoon.
Students are expected to have access to a WindowsNT/95-based system
connected to the Internet.
The general format of the class will be to present lecture material during
the first part of the class on Tuesday and have in-class demonstrations during the second.
Homework will be assigned on Tuesday and be due the following Monday by
4:00 PM EDT.
[Top |
Description |
Books |
Syllabus |
Grading |
Exams |
Homework |
Dates |
Submissions ]
[Broadcast Info |
Registration |
Distance Learning Programs |
Books for this course
There are no required texts for this course. The CHISEL CDROM is useful.
Happily, it is free, you should get one with your registration packet or
you can order one by clicking
In addition, some form of Internet access will be required. If you or
your school is not connected, any ISP package (MCI, UK-ONLINE, AT&T WorldNet, etc)
should be fine.
[Top |
Description |
Books |
Syllabus |
Grading |
Exams |
Homework |
Dates |
Submissions ]
[Broadcast Info |
Registration |
Distance Learning Programs
Grading/Exam Schedule
Your grade will consist of the following:
- Homework: 30%
- Midterm: 30%
- Final: 30%
- Participation: 10%
Exam Schedule
The dates listed here are subject to change, which will be announced in class.
There will be one midterm test distributed on or about March 10, 1998.
The test will be due one week after it has been handed out/made available.
There will be a final distributed on or about April 30, 1998.
The final will be due by 4:00 pm, Wednesday, May 6, 1998.
Be sure to read the submissions policy.
There will be approximately 10-15 homework assignments. There is no late
policy, homework must be turned in by 4:00 PM of the following Monday.
Turning in
homework is covered in the submissions section.
Important Dates
- Monday, January 19, 1998 -- Labor day (Academic Holiday)
This doesn't affect our class, but it's a nice thing to know....
- Tuesday, January 20, 1998 -- Class begins
- Tuesday, March 10, 1998 -- Midterm for this class
- Friday, March 13, 1998 -- Last day to drop (But you don't wanna do that anyway)
- Monday, March 16, 1998 -- Spring Break begins
- Thursday, April 30, 1998 -- Last class
- May 4-8, 1998 -- Final Exam Week
Office Hours
I will be holding office hours during the week. The current scheduled
time is Monday from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT. This may change,
however, especially if students prefer some office hours be held during
the weekend. I encourage the use of e-mail for discussion and questions.
(Changes will be announced in class, of course)
A very useful alternative is to send me email at either or, if not both.
You may also use these addresses to arrange an appointment or visit.
Don't forget: In-class discussion plays a part of your grade!
The University of Kentucky takes cases of plagiarism very seriously. Do not
copy the work of your fellow students or the work of others.
Actually, the notice about plagiarism is basically common sense and
we all know it. It's reasonable to discuss things in groups and some
of the material will point out the advantages of working in groups. It is
expected, however, that the work you turn in for your grade will be your
own original work. If you are caught cheating, you will fail the course
at that point. I seriously doubt this will be a problem.
All work must be submitted electronically. Specific submission guidelines
will be covered in class and/or handouts. Faxes and diskettes do NOT
qualify as electronic submission! Homework assignments (as well as
extra credit assignments) are due the following Monday by 4:00 PM EDT unless
otherwise noted.
Any exceptions to this policy will be announced in class.
Late Policy
Late work will not be accepted. (This includes any extra credit assignments)
[Top |
Description |
Books |
Syllabus |
Grading |
Exams |
Homework |
Dates |
Submissions ]
[Broadcast Info |
Registration |
Distance Learning Programs
This section covers the general overview of the lectures for the course.
As the semester progresses, course materials will be available by
selecting (clicking) on the current week. As always, this is a general
outline and thus will be subject to change depending on the progression
of the course.
A semester overview calendar is also available.
- Class 0 -- Introduction/Syllabus/Overview of WinNT/95
- Class 1 -- Introduction to CHISEL/Installation issues
- Class 2 -- WindowsNT/Windows95 Interface, Customizing
- Class 3 -- Security issues
- Class 4 -- Filesystems
- Class 5 -- Networking WindowsNT/95/etc. together
- Class 6 -- File Sharing
- Class 7 -- Printing and Other Networked Resources
- Class 8 -- Midterm/Misc. topics/Utilities for WindowsNT
- Class 9 -- Application issues under WindowsNT
- Class 10 -- A Closer look at The Internet
- Class 11 -- WindowsNT and the World Wide Web
- Class 12 -- Web pages and online resources for WindowsNT
- Class 13 -- Advanced WindowsNT Commands
- Class 14 -- WindowsNT Servers
[Top |
Description |
Books |
Syllabus |
Grading |
Exams |
Homework |
Dates |
Submissions ]
[Broadcast Info |
Registration |
Distance Learning Programs
Broadcast Schedule
The broadcast schedule below is for the UK Channel (Star channel 10).
Please consult your
local technical coordinator for times in your area.