KOI Combinatorics Lectures

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K O I   C O M B I N A T O R I C S   L E C T U R E S

In Japan koi symbolize strength, courage, patience and success through perseverance.

The KOI Combinatorics Lectures is a joint venture between combinatorialists from the Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana area.

The goal of this series of meetings is to foster and build intergenerational friendship and collaboration between researchers broadly defined (graduate students, postdocs, faculty) in the KOI area.

Organizing Committee:
Saúl A. Blanco (IU), Mihai Ciucu (IU), Richard Ehrenborg (UK), Eric Katz (OSU), Margaret Readdy (UK)

If you wish to be added to the KOI Combinatorics Lectures mailing list, please send an e-mail to: koi.combinatorics@gmail.com.

Last updated November 15, 2023.