Richard Ehrenborg and I have started a new Math Ambassadors program on campus. We man a table and demonstrate fun math to passerbys. We also discuss courses to take, how to easily pick up a minor in math, and career possibilities.
Here we are in Fall 2024:
Here we are manning a Discovery Table at the 2025 Kentucky American Water Science Fair!
Richard Ehrenborg and I have received an over $9K grant from the MAA to hold the 2023 Kentucky Math Carnival!
Richard Ehrenborg and I are holding the Julia Robinson Math Festival at the Central Public Library in Lexington (November 2019). We ran the first and second Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival at the University of Kentucky. (November 2017 & 2018).
Since 2017 I have been the Academic Program Manager (2017-2019) and a Member of the WAM Committee (2020-2022) for the Women and Mathematics Program sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University.
This year's WAM program is on Mathematics of Machine Learning. (May 2022).
Previous WAM programs:
Representation Theory:
Categories & Combinatorics.
(May 2021; virtual).
Mathematics of Machine Learning.
(Rescheduled; May 2022)
Topics in Geometric Analysis.
(May 2019)
Mathematics of Modern Cryptography.
(May 2018)
Research team leader and mentor for the all-female BIRS Workshop Algebraic Combinatorixx 2. (May 2017)
I will be giving a series of three one-hour lectures to graduate students at the Lake Michigan Workshop on Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Purdue University. (March 2016)
Invited Lecturer (4 lectures) for the 2013 Women and Mathematics Program sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University. (May 2013) Poster (pdf) and Lecture Notes (pdf) .
Since Fall 2014 I have been a Professor Assistant/Consultant for the Henry Clay High School Math Club.
In October 2015 I will be giving interactive "Math Magic" presentations at Cassidy Elementary School in Lexington KY.
I am a founding member and organizer of Math Movie of the Month.
I gave a half-day of presentations on "Math Magic" as part of the Littlebrook Elementary School Science Expo in Princeton NJ. (May 2015)