1. | Statistical and Continuum Theories of Materials at the |
Johns Hopkins University, March 25-26, 1963 | |
Speakers: Grad, Toupin, Jaynes, Rivlin, Ericksen | |
2. | Fluid Dynamics at the Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, |
November 11-12, 1963 | |
Speakers: Truesdell, Serrin, Finn, Noll, Lin, Markovitz | |
3. | Wave Motion at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, |
October 29-30, 1964 | |
Speakers: Duff, Rivlin, Morawetz, Wilcox, Keller | |
4. | Frontiers of Elasticity at the Courant Institute of Mathematical |
Sciences, New York, March 22-23, 1965 | |
Speakers: Fichera, Schechter, Reiss, Gilbert, Payne, Knowles | |
5. | Thermodyanamics at the Universita di Padova, Bressanone, |
Italy, June 11-12, 1965 | |
Speakers: Coleman, Bressan, Gurtin, Bordoni, Bowen | |
6. | Hydrodynamics at the University of Arizona, Tucson, January 21-22, 1966 |
Speakers: Benney, Meyer, Saffman, Payne, Serrin, Ludford | |
7. | Axiomatics of Mechanics at the Illinois Institute of Technology, |
Chicago, October 21-22, 1966 | |
Speakers: Bunge, Synge, Noll, Gurtin, Kac, Toupin | |
8. | Theories of Stability at Tulane University, New Orleans, |
March 31-April 1, 1967 | |
Speakers: Segal, Joseph, Caughey, Odeh, Markus | |
9. | Thermodynamics and Stabilty at the Johns Hopkins University, |
Baltimore, October 10-12, 1968 | |
Speakers: Coleman, Wei, Hale, Joseph, Pond, Ericksen, Gurtin | |
10. | Optimal Control Theory and the Calculus of Variations at |
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, November 30- December 1, 1969 | |
Speakers: Neustadt, Gilbert, Hermes, Cesari, Fleming, Warga | |
11. | Plasticity and Viscoelasticity at the University of Cincinnati, |
November 12-13, 1970 | |
Speakers: Owen, Dill, Rivlin, Clifton | |
12. | Model Theory at the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, May 4-5, 1971 |
Speakers: Cahpin, Kugler, Luxemburg, Zakon, Stone, Wattenberg, Truesdell | |
13. | Nonlinear Stability Theory at Northwestern University, |
Evanston, Illinois, October 28-29, 1971 | |
Speakers: Cohen, Luss, Lebowitz, Payne, Antman, Serrin, Stewartson | |
14. | Thermodynamics of Continuous Media at the University |
of Washington, Seattle, September 13-16, 1972 | |
Speakers: Williams, Coleman, Ericksen, Truesdell, Dill, Muller, Bowen | |
15. | Mathematical Problems Related to Mixtures of Interacting |
Species at the University of Rochester, New York, March 28-30, 1973 | |
Speakers: Aris, Aronson, Feinberg, Horn, Sellers, Krambeck, Noll | |
16. | Rational Thermodynamics at the Universita di Pisa, |
Italy, June 11-14, 1974 | |
Speakers: Gurtin, Onat, Coleman, Owen, Williams, Serrin, Truesdell | |
17. | Fluid Mechanics at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, |
October 2-3, 1975 | |
Speakers: Rivilin, Fosdick, Bird, Joseph, Chen, Cowin, Jenkins, | |
Brenner, Raats, Noll, Marris | |
18. | Problems of the Continuum Theory of Plasticity and Dislocations at the |
University of South Carolina, Columbia, October 21-22, 1976 | |
Speakers: Belinfante, Owen, deWit, Ting, Noll, Wang, Bloom | |
19. | Recent Developments in Contimuum Mechanics at the University |
of Cincinnati, December 4-6, 1977 | |
Speakers: Achenbach, Dafermos, Ericksen, Pipkin, Tiersten | |
20. | The Application of Catastrophe Theory in Mechanics at Christopher |
Newport College of William and Mary University, Charlottesville, | |
April 16-18, 1978 | |
Speakers: Lu, Zeeman, Huseyin, Chillingworth, Truesdell, Golubitsky, Mehra, | |
Aris, Stewart | |
21. | Anelastic Behavior of Continua at the Universita di Pisa, Italy, |
May 18-20, 1978 | |
Speakers: Truesdell, Del Piero for Villaggio, Bell, Del Piero, Zarka, Ting | |
Müller, Toupin | |
22. | Mathematical Modelling at the National University of Mexico, |
November 5-8, 1979 | |
Speakers: Aronson, Coleman, Fife, Glowinski, Guckenheimer, Herrera, | |
Hoppensteadt, Lions, Newman, Oden | |
23. | Recent Developments in Continuum Thermodynamics at the University |
of Missouri, Rolla, November 10-12, 1980 | |
Speakers: Valanis, Feinberg, Man, Fosdick, Coleman, Pitteri, Serrin, Owen | |
24. | Applications of Qualitative Analysis in Nonlinear Mechanics |
at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, December 3-5, 1981 | |
Speakers: Antman, Dafermos, Holmes, Joseph, Saut, E. Sternberg, Villaggio | |
25. | Wave Phenomena at Cornell University, Ithaca, |
September 22-25, 1982 | |
Speakers: Ablowitz, Aronson, Coleman, McKean, Papanicolaou, Sachse, Symes | |
26. | In Honor of J.L. Ericksen's 60th Birthday at |
Brown University, Providence, November 17-19, 1983 | |
Speakers: Ball, Bell, Coleman, Kinderlehrer, Leslie, I. Müller, Rivlin, Serrin, Truesdell | |
27. | Mathematical Models in Continuum Mechanics at |
the University of Wisconsin-Madison, November 29-December 1, 1984, | |
Speakers: DiPerna, Ericksen, Hrusa, Owen, Pritchard | |
28. | Topics in Continuum Mechanics and Analysis at |
the University of Kentucky, Lexington, December 4-6, 1985 | |
Speakers: Antman, Carlson, Dafermos, Ericksen, Passman, Wang | |
29. | Novel Problems in Mathematics & Mechanics From Agriculture and |
Industry at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, October 20-21, 1986 | |
Speakers: Brown, Clark, May, Raats, Schaeffer, Strang | |
30. | Internal Structure, Homogenization and Continuum Mechanics |
at Yale University, New Haven, November 14-15, 1987 | |
Speakers: Gurtin, Jenkins, Kohn, Leckie, Lowe, Milton, Needleman, | |
Papanicolaou, Sachdev, Sreenivasan | |
31. | Modern Developments in Natural Philosophy--An Historical Perspective |
at The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, March 20-23, 1988 | |
Speakers: Antman, Amick, Dafermos, Fife, Hrusa, Humphrey, | |
Simo, Truesdell, Ziemer | |
32. | Geometrical and Topological Methods in Mechanics at |
the University of Calgary, Calgary, June 21-23, 1989 | |
Speakers: Chillingworth, Edelen, Hardt, Marsden, O'Raifeartaigh, | |
Olver, Sniatycke, Wang | |
33. | Variational Methods in Continuum Mechanics at |
Sheraton Hotel at Station Square, Pittsburgh, November 18-19, 1989 | |
Speakers: Fosdick, McLeod, Mizel, S. Müller, Podio-Guidugli, P. Sternberg | |
34. | Recent Developments in Mechanics at |
the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, April 6-8, 1990 | |
Speakers: Galdi, Gurtin, Onat, Parks, Rajagopal, Serrin, Spector, Speziale | |
35. | Partial Differential Equations and Mechanics at |
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, November 1-3, 1991 | |
Speakers: Antman, Bona, Fonseca, Gariepy, Phillips, Renardy, Slemrod, Ziemer | |
36. | Mathematical Modelling in Continuum Mechanics at |
Penn State University, October 1-3, 1992 | |
Speakers: Arnold, Antman, Coleman, Dafermos, Fried, James, Kleman, | |
Luskin, Mizel, Pego, Rajagopal, Slemrod, P. Sternberg | |
37. | Mathematical Aspects of Continuum Mechanics: A Symposium in |
Honor of Walter Noll at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, April | |
23-25, 1993 | |
Speakers: Antman, Artz, Coleman, Feinberg, Gurtin, Lawvere, Noll, | |
Podio-Guidugli, Serrin, Silhavy, Truesdell, Virga, Wang | |
38. | Topics in Nonlinear Elasticity at Cornell University, September 22-25, 1994 |
Speakers: Antman, Bauman, Fosdick, Gurtin, Holmes, James, | |
Simpson, Spector, Truskinovksy | |
39. | Nonlinear Phenomena in Continuum Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic |
Institute and State University, Blacksburg, April 7-9, 1995 | |
Speakers: Angenent, Beale, Caginalp, Khomami, Maddocks, | |
Papageorgiou, Shu-Ming Sun, Trefethen | |
40. | Internal and Surface Structure of Materials at Carnegie Mellon University, |
Pittsburgh, October 10-12, 1998. | |
Speakers: Caffarelli, Fonseca, Hamilton, Hannon, Slemrod, Soner, P. Sternberg | |
41. | Dissipative Effects in Continuum Mechanics at the University of California, |
Berkeley, September 29-October 1, 2000. | |
Speakers: Beatty, Del Piero, Coleman, Deseri, Fabrizio, Fonseca, Fried, | |
Goddard, Golden, Jenkins, Man, Owen | |
42. | Multiscale Effects in Material Microstructures and Defects at the University |
of Kentucky, Lexington, September 26-28, 2003. | |
Speakers: Anand, Bhattacharya, Epstein, Fried, Gurtin, James, Lipton, | |
Owen, Podio-Guidugli, Ponte Castaneda | |
43. | Prospects for Mathematics and Mechanics upon
the 80th Birthday of Jerry Ericksen |
at the IMA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, November
5-6, 2004. |
Speakers: Bhattacharya, Cladis, Doi, James, Kinderlehrer,
Lin, Truskinovsky |
44. | Theories of Microstructures and Defects at the Hotel Covo dei Saraceni, |
Polignano a Mare (Bari), Italy, October 8-10, 2005. | |
Truesdell Lecturer: Walter Noll | |
Speakers: Braides, Cermelli, Francfort, Fried, Jenkins, Paroni, Rosakis, | |
Silhavy, Truskinovsky, Zanzotto | |
45. | Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Materials at Purdue University, |
West Lafayette, November 11-12, 2006. | |
Truesdell Lecturer: James Serrin | |
Speakers: Calderer, E, Garcia-Cervera, Kohn, Lavrentovich, Luskin | |
46. | The Interface between Atomistic and Continuum Theories at University of Houston, |
Houston, October 26-28, 2007. | |
Truesdell Lecturer: Bernard Coleman | |
Speakers: Blumenfeld, Brenner, Capriz, Kraynik, Murdoch, Tadmor, | |
Sellers, Silling, Vedantam, Wheeler | |
47. | Constitutive Properties of Biomaterials at University of Pittsburgh, |
Pittsburgh, September 19-21, 2008. | |
Truesdell Lecturer: Roger Fosdick | |
Speakers: Ambrosi, Coleman, Cowin, Criscione, Taber | |
48. | Advances in Fundamental and Applied Mechanics: A Bridge between |
the Physical Behavior and the Mathematical Modeling of Materials | |
at Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, January 4-8, 2010. | |
Speakers: DiCarlo, Chaieb, Y.-c. Chen, Lehoucq, Luskin, Paroni, Truskinovsky | |
49. | Coupled Processes in Continuum Mechanics Motivated by Biological |
Phenomena at Michigan State University, East Lansing, October 7-9, 2011. | |
Truesdell Lecturer: Gianfranco Capriz | |
Speakers: Bates, Calderer, Goriely, Manning, Vainchtein, Violi, Walton | |
50. | New Materials and New Problems in Continuum Mechanics |
at Udine, Italy, October 22-24, 2012. | |
Truesdell Lecturer: Stuart S. Antman | |
Speakers: Dal Maso, James, Kraynik, I. Müller, Podio-Guidugli, Virga | |
51. | Mathematics and Mechanics in the Physical Sciences: A Tribute to James Serrin |
at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, November 14-16, 2013. | |
Speakers: Bauman, Caffarelli, Calderer, Fried, Kenig, Peletier, Podio-Guidugli, | |
Sverak, Virga | |
52. | Scale Bridging in the Mathematical and Mechanical Sciences at Universidade |
Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 22-24, 2014. | |
Truesdell Lecturer: Constantine Dafermos | |
Speakers: Acerbi, Buscaglia, Chakraborty, Dacorogna, Davini, DiCarlo, Feldman, | |
Gavini, Ghattas, Giola, Gomes, Jerrad, Lewicka, B. Li, Murad, Nussenzveig, | |
Podio-Guidugli, Šilhavý | |