Ma 162 Web Site Spring 2010

 Final exam files are now available on the WHS web site.
Look in the usual place under class materials.

The grade average was 73 and there shall be no curve!

Good luck in your future courses!

Some Useful Links

How to use WHS? Click here to find out.
To reach WHS click here

Here is an online program to solve simplex algorithm problems. Click here!

Useful Maple routines to do interest calculations on a campus computer.
Class times and rooms
with Instructor names and their contact info and office hours.
Click here to reach them.

The daily plan for the course including homework due dates:   Click here to reach it.

Be aware that the homework due dates are subject to change.

Click here for common course syllabus
Your instructor and your TA will supply additional details.
Current lectures by Sathaye. Click here!
Instructor syllabus: Sathaye
Exam preparation files. Click here.
Quizzes (need password to open new quiz)