Carl Eberhart, Professor
Department of Mathematics
759 Patterson Office Tower 
University of Kentucky 
Lexington KY USA 40506-0027
(859) 257-1258 
(859) 257-4078 [FAX] 


Fall 2005 Teaching Schedule
Ma 109 001  College Algebra
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00-8:50 am BS 116

Office Hours: 9:00-10:00 am MWF (in Mathskeller) or by app. 
You can also consult by email to 


Topology Interests

A short introduction to the Maple language

Miscellany - old movies, etc.

Maple Handbook for Calculus Students


Drawing in the hyperbolic plane

Selected Topics for Teachers f99

Linear Algebra s01

Linear Programming s97

Vector Calculus f95

Elem. Calculus s99

Linear Algebra f99

Differential Equations s95

Elem. Calculus f00

Programming for mathematicians s98

Numerical Methods f97

Linear Algebra f02

Math History s99

Communicating Math Workshop sf02



Problem Solving and Communicating Mathematics (Joint work with Paul Eakin)

Ma 503 Problem Solving with Maple (Summer 95)

Ma 202 Visual Problem Solving with Maple (Spring 97)

Communicating Mathematics (spring 98)

Ma 503/Ma 310 Problem Solving with Maple (Spring (96)

Visual Problem Solving (a text for Teachers) (version 2, June 1998)

Communicating Mathematics (6/15/98 to 7/3/98)

MCtools Page

WHS homework