Syllabus for MA 213 (01/02)- Calculus III

Time and Place (Lectures): 8:00-8:50  MWF, CB 349.

Instructor: Dr. Alberto Corso, POT 969, 257-3167, and

Office Hours: 9:00-9:50 MWF in POT 969 or by appointment. You can also consult me by email.

Time and Place (Recitations): (sec 01) 8:00-8:50  TR, CB 339;    (sec 02) 9:30-10:20  TR, CB 339.

Teaching Assistant: Mr. Vishnu Vardan, POT 902, 257-7216,

Textbook: Calculus (3rd edition), by James Stewart, ISBN 0-534-21798-2.

Material and Exams: Third semester calculus extends the calculus you learned in the first two semesters of calculus to functions of more than one variable. Since the central idea of calculus is the approximation of a given function by a linear function, Calculus III begins with a study of linear functions in more than one variable. The idea of approximation is then formalized by introducing partial derivatives and their applications. The course ends with a study of: integration of functions of more than one variable, line integrals and vector field theory. The main learning tool will be problem solving. You will be expected to read the material from the chapters before it is covered in class. Many of the problems in Calculus III involve geometric ideas and intuition. You are encouraged to use Maple or another computer aid to visualize problems. You should see me immediately if you are having difficulty with the problems. We shall cover chapters 11 through 14 from the text. Chapters 11 introduces geometric ideas needed to study functions of several variables. This chapter also introduces curves in the plane and in space. Chapter 12 introduces functions of two or more variables and the derivative in several variables. Chapter 13 introduces the study of integration of functions of several variables. Finally, we will also cover the first four sections of Chapter 14.

All exams are cumulative in the sense that students are responsible for all of the material that has been on previous exams. They will count toward the final grade as follows: Your final letter grade will be based on the following table:

A = 90 - 100     B = 80 - 89     C = 65 - 79     D = 55-64     E = 0-54.

Homework and Quizzes: Homework will be collected during recitations. To receive credit, homework solutions must be written out neatly and handed in at the beginning of the recitation on the due date. Homework problems must be worked out without collaboration or copying of solutions. Occasional quizzes (announced or not) may be given during the recitations.

Attendance Policy: Your presence is required at every lecture and every recitation. Excused absences must be fully documented. No make ups will be given for a test (exam or quiz) missed as a result of an unexcused absence. Late homework will not be accepted unless the delay is due to an excused absence.