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Proving Conditionals

You usually proved a sentence of the type tex2html_wrap_inline11770 in plane geometry by assuming P and deducing Q. You considered Q the conclusion. In actually, tex2html_wrap_inline11770 was the conclusion; it was what you were trying to prove.

To prove tex2html_wrap_inline11770 first assume P to be true. Then using P and all other theorems and axioms try to deduce Q. Once Q is deduced in this manner you have completed a proof of tex2html_wrap_inline11770. You have not shown that Q is true; you have only shown that Q is true if P is true. Whether P is true is another question; whether Q is true is another question. What you have shown to be true is tex2html_wrap_inline11770.

This technique is called the Rule of Conditional Proof  or the Deduction Theorem . More formally, suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline12286 are the axioms and previously proved theorems. To prove tex2html_wrap_inline11770 is to show that

From tex2html_wrap_inline12286 we can deduce tex2html_wrap_inline11770
is a valid argument. To do this temporarily assume P to be an axiom and show that
From tex2html_wrap_inline12296 we can deduce Q
is a valid argument.

A second technique of proving tex2html_wrap_inline11770 is by the contrapositive . We can prove tex2html_wrap_inline11770 by proving tex2html_wrap_inline12304. Often the rule of conditional proof is used to prove the contrapositive.