Math 241: Calculus III,
Section D
Course Information
Instructor: Prof. Bertrand Guillou | Head TA: Michael DiPasquale |
email: bertg ♠ illinois ♦ edu | email: dipasqu1 ♠ illinois ♦ edu |
Phone: (217) 244-0286 | |
Office: 330 Illini Hall | Office: 165 Altgeld Hall |
Office Hours: Friday, 11:00AM-12:30PM. | Office Hours: Monday, 10:00AM-11:00AM. |
Math 241 Tutoring hours (free of charge)
Mon-Thurs, 3:30PM-6:30PM, 1 Illini Hall
Tues and Thurs, 11:30AM-1:00PM, 142 Henry Administration Bldg
Click here for a more detailed schedule.
The Math Department is also running Calc III tutoring on MTWR evenings, 6-9PM in Altgeld 345.
In addition, the Math Department maintains a list of private tutors.
Time & Location: MWF 4:00-4:50, 314 Altgeld.
Text: Chapters 12-16 of Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions, 6th edition, with advanced Webassign, James Stewart. (Not the 7th edition)
Information on purchasing options for the textbook and WebAssign.
Discussion sections: (all sections meet on Tuesdays & Thursdays)
- Section DD1. Instructor: Nathan Fieldsteel. 4:00-4:50, Altgeld 241.
- Section DD2. Instructor: Yi Hu. 10:00-10:50, Henry Administration Bldg 143.
- Section DD3. Instructor: Yi Hu. 11:00-11:50, Altgeld 143.
- Section DD4. Instructor: Michael DiPasquale. 9:00-9:50, Henry Administration Bldg 142.
- Section DD5. Instructor: Caglar Uyanik. 1:00-1:50, Henry Administration Bldg 140.
- Section DD6. Instructor: Nathan Fieldsteel. 3:00-3:50, Altgeld 341.
- Section DD7. Instructor: Caglar Uyanik. 4:00-4:50, Altgeld 145.
Test dates (Evening Exams):
- Test 1: Tuesday, Sept. 20, 7:15-8:15PM
- Test 2: Tuesday, Oct. 18, 7:15-8:15PM
- Test 3: Tuesday, Nov. 15, 7:15-8:15PM
Grading policy: The breakup will be: Homework - 12%, Quizzes/Worksheets - 8%, 3 Midterm Exams - 16% each, Final exam - 32%.
Homework: Homework must be completed on WebAssign. Homework will be assigned after each lecture, to be completed by the start of lecture two class periods later. For instance, homework assigned on Wednesday will be due on Monday. Late homeworks will not be accepted, but the lowest 4 scores will be dropped.
You will need a class key in order to enroll in WebAssign.
- Class key: uiuc 9471 8682.
Worksheets & Quizzes: There will periodically be quizzes given during discussion, but never during the week of an exam. These will be announced ahead of time in discussion. At other times, you may be given a worksheet to complete during discussion. Any absence will result in a score of 0, but the lowest 4 scores will be dropped.
Exam/Quiz policy: No use of notes or electronic devices of any kind (including calculators, smartphones, or ipods) will be permitted. Students will not be permitted to leave the room and reenter during an exam. Please plan accordingly.
Conflict Exams: If you have a conflict with one of the exam times, please consult the university policy on evening midterm exam and final exam conflicts. Based on that, if you think your situation qualifies you take the conflict exam, please contact me as soon as possible, but no later than a week before the exam in question.
Missed Exams: There will be no makeup exams. In the case of a valid, documented excuse, as outlined in the Student code, you will be excused from the exam. Documentation for excused absences must be obtained from the Emergency Dean and turned in to me within one week of the missed exam. Be aware that a note from the Emergency Dean does not guarantee that you will be excused from the exam.
Grading corrections: If you think there may be a grading error on one of your quizzes or exams, discuss it first with your TA or with the head TA. If that does not settle the matter, then explain the situation in writing, attach it to your exam paper, and give the paper to me in class or in my mailbox in 250 Altgeld. The deadline for all such requests is one week after the exam or quiz has been returned. Note: this means one week after your TA returned the paper, regardless of whether or not you were in class to receive it on that day.
Disabilities: Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations to participate in this class are asked to see me as soon as possible. In particular, any accommodations for exams must be arranged a week in advance and will require a letter from DRES.
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Department of Mathematics College of Liberal Arts and Sciences University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 273 Altgeld Hall, MC-382 1409 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801 USA Department Main Office Telephone: (217) 333-3350 Fax (217) 333-9576 |