Suminar 2010
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- N. Kuhn, Goodwillie towers and chromatic homotopy: an overview, Geom. Topol. Monogr., 10, 2007.
- B. Johnson and R. McCarthy, Taylor towers for functors of additive categories , J. Pure Appl. Algebra 137, 1999.
- R. McCarthy, Dual calculus for functors to spectra , Contemp. Math., 271, 2001.
- C. Rezk, A streamlined proof of Goodwillie's n-excisive approxmiation, arXiv:0812.1324.
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For now at least, our theme is the calculus of (homotopy) functors. Some topics of interest left to cover are
The definition of degree n functor for n>1.The construction of Pn for n>1.Classification of homogeneous functors.- The notion of analytic functor.
- The splitting of the Taylor tower.
- More examples!
- The derivatives of the identity functor on (based) spaces.
- The unbased calculus.
- B. Guillou, Talk 1 (5/27/10). The Taylor tower, Degree 1 functors
- R. Eldred, Talk 2 (6/3/10). The degree 1 approximation, degree n functors
- B. Guillou, Talk 3 (6/24/10). Construction of degree n approximations
- B. Guillou, Talk 4 (7/1/10). Homogeneous functors
- D. Lior, Talk 5 (7/15/10). The Cotriple Model
- R. Eldred, Talk 6 (7/29/10). Degree n functors and n-excisive functors
- R. Eldred, Talk 7 (8/12/10). The Taylor Tower of the Forgetful Functor
- R. Eldred, Talk 2 (6/3/10). The degree 1 approximation, degree n functors