Suminar 2011
The Steenrod Algebra
- J. Milnor, The Steenrod algebra and its dual, Ann. of Math 67, 1958. MR0099653
- J. Milnor and J. Moore, On the structure of Hopf algebras, Ann. of Math 81, 1965. MR0174052
- G. Segal, The multiplicative group of classical cohomology, Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser., 26, 1975. MR0380770
- S. R. Bullett and I. G. Macdonald, On the Adem relations, Topology 21, 1982. MR0649764
- A. Kozlowski, The transfer in Segal's cohomology, Illinois J. Math. 27, 1983. MR0720098
- R. M. W. Wood, Problems in the Steenrod algebra, Bull. London Math. Soc 30, no. 5, 1998. MR1643834
- M. Inoue, Odd primary Steenrod algebra, additive formal group laws, and modular invariants, J. Math. Soc. Japan 58, 2006. MR2228561
- J. McCleary, A user's guide to spectral sequences, 2nd edition, Cambridge Studes in Advanced Mathematics, 58, 2001.
- R. Mosher and M. Tangora, Cohomology operations and applications in homotopy theory, Dover, 2008.
- H. Miller, 1989 "Vector Fields on Spheres" course notes (notes by Matt Ando). Handwritten parts 1 and 2 or TeXed (by Eric Peterson).
- M. Hopkins, 1999 COCTALOS course notes.
- J. Milnor and J. Moore, On the structure of Hopf algebras, Ann. of Math 81, 1965. MR0174052
Our theme for this summer is topics related to the Steenrod Algebra. Some topics of interest left to cover are
- ✓ Construction of the Steenrod Operations
- ✓ Computation of the cohomology of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces
- ✓ Discussion of Hopf algebras and the structure of the Steenrod algebra
- ✓ The Adem relations
- Vector fields on spheres, Hopf invariant 1
- ✓ The Adams spectral sequence
- ✓ Computation of the cohomology of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces
- B. Guillou, Talk 1 (6/2/11). Construction of the Steenrod operations, Part 1.
- B. Guillou, Talk 2 (6/9/11). Construction of the Steenrod operations, Part 2.
- N. Aramian, Talk 3 (6/16/11). The cohomology of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces.
- M. Frankland, Talk 4 (6/23/11). The Steenrod Algebra and its Dual, Part 1. Sections 1-4 of Milnor's paper.
- S. Yeakel, Talk 5 (6/30/11). The Cohomology of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces as A-modules and stable splittings. Hatcher, section 4.L.
- N. Aramian, Talk 6 (7/8/11). The Steenrod Algebra and its Dual, Part 2. Sections 5-6 of Milnor's paper.
- P. Nelson, Talk 7 (7/14/11). The Adem Relations, following Bullett-MacDonald (and Miller's Notes).
- N. Stapleton, Talk 8 (7/21/11). The Steenrod Algebra and the Additive Formal Group Law.
- B. Guillou, Talk 9 (7/28/11). The Subalgebras A(n) and Nilpotence in the Steenrod Algebra.
- N. Aramian, Talk 10 (8/11/11). The Adams spectral sequence.
- B. Guillou, Talk 2 (6/9/11). Construction of the Steenrod operations, Part 2.