are closed rectangles which form a cover
. By replacing the
, one can assume that
for all
. Let
Choose a partition
which refines all of the
Note that
is a rectangle of the cover
. Let
be any rectangle
with non-empty interior. Since the intersection of any two rectangles
of a partition is contained in their boundaries, if
contains an interior
not in
for some
, then
contains only boundary points
. So, if
has non-empty interior, then
is a subset of
for some
since the union of the
. The sum of the volumes of
the rectangles of
is the volume of
, which is at most equal to the
sum of the volumes of the
. So
is not of content 0 as it cannot
be covered with rectangles of total area less than the volume of
are rectangles, say
. Let
. Then
contains all the
and hence also
. But then
is bounded, contrary to hypothesis.
The set of natural numbers is unbounded, and hence not of content 0 by part (a).
On the other hand, it is of measure zero. Indeed, if
, then
the union of the open intervals
. contains all the natural numbers and the total volume
of all the intervals is
Suppose a finite set of open rectangles
. cover of
and have total volume
less than
. Then the union of the
cover the boundary of
and have total volume less than
So the boundary of
is also of content 0.
The set of rational numbers in the interval
is of measure 0 (cf Proof
of Problem 3-9 (b)), but
its boundary
is not of measure 0 (by Theorem 3-6 and Problem 3-8).
The set
closed and bounded, and hence compact. If it were also
of measure 0, then it would be of content 0 by Theorem 3-6. But then there
is a finite collection of open intervals which cover the set and have total
volume less than
. Since the set these open intervals together with the
set of
form an open cover of [0, 1], there is a finite subcover
. But then the sum of the lengths of the intervals in this
finite subcover would be less than 1, contrary to Theorem 3-5.
Using the hint, we know by Problem 1-30 that the set of
if finite for every
. Hence the set of discontinuities of
a countable union of finite sets, and hence has measure 0 by Theorem 3-4.
Since the set of rational numbers is countable, and cartesian products of
countable sets are countable, so is the set of all
-tuples of rational
numbers. Since the set of these intervals is just a subset of this set,
it must be countable too.
Following the hint, for each
, there is a rectangle B of the type
in part (a) such that
has non-zero volume, contains
and is contained
in some
. In fact, we can even assume that
is in the
interior of the rectangle
. In particular, the union of the interiors of
the rectangles
is allowed to range throughout
) is a cover
. By part (a), the set of these
are countable, and hence so are
the set of corresponding
's; this set of corresponding
's cover