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Up: Problems
Previous: Colorful Tetrahedra and Cubes
- What is the maximum number of pieces into which a pancake can
be cut by n straight cuts, each of which crosses each of the others?
- What is the maximum number of pieces that can be produced by n
simultaneous straight cuts of a flat figure shaped like a crescent
- Into how many parts can the plane be divided by intersecting
circles of the same size? Of different sizes? By intersecting
ellipses of different sizes?
- How many pieces of cheesecake can be produced by n
simultaneous plane cuts of a cylindrical cake?
- Into how many regions can space be divided by intersecting
- What is the maximum number of pieces that can be produced by n
simultaneous plane cuts through a doughnut?
Carl Lee
Wed Apr 21 08:26:07 EDT 1999