Why do the following methods work?
To multiply two numbers on the above list together,
touch the corresponding fingers together. For example, to calculate
, touch the index finger of your left hand to the middle
finger of your right hand.
At and above the index finger on your left hand
there are 2 fingers. At and above the middle finger on your right hand
there are 3 fingers. Multiply these two numbers together:
. The remaining fingers on both hands combined each count
10, and there are 5 of them, for a product of 50. Add 6 and
50 to get the answer:
Confused? Let's try another one: . Touch the ring finger
of your left hand to the index finger of your right hand. Multiplying
the number of fingers at and above the touching fingers:
. Counting fingers below the touching fingers as tens:
40. Add 8 and 40 to get the answer: 48.