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MWF 2:00-2:50 -- FB213

NOTE: If you are an elementary or middle school major, you should be in Section 002, which meets MWF 12:00-12:50 in the same room.

INSTRUCTOR: Carl Lee, 967 POT, 257-1405,,

OFFICE HOURS: MWF 1:00-1:50 and by appointment, since I realize that some of you will be unable to come at these times.

TEXT: Kay, College Geometry: A Discovery Approach.

TOPICS: I hope to cover parts of Chapter 1, most of Chapters 2, 3 and 4, and parts of Chapters 5 and 6, but not necessarily strictly in that order. In addition, I may pass out some notes as we go along, and expect that we will also do some related in-class projects. We will also make use of the program Geometer's Sketchpad, and possibly Maple.


Homework: 50%
Exams: 30%
Final: 20%

A: 90-100%
B: 80-89%
C: 70-79%
D: 60-69%
E: 0-59%

CLASS PARTICIPATION: Since a significant portion of the course will involve group work and discussion, attendance and participation is extremely important. Homework assignments will often be directly related or continuations of in-class projects.

HOMEWORK: Usually collected weekly. Problems are assigned to be solved. Searching the textbooks or the library for solutions is not permitted. On regular assignments you may discuss the problems with other current class members and with me, but not with anyone else. However, when it comes time for you to write up the solutions, I expect you to do this on your own. If you receive assistance from another class member, include a written acknowledgment. Such an acknowledgment is a professional courtesy and will not affect your grade.

EXAMS: There will three exams and a final exam.

Exam 1, Wednesday, September 22
Exam 2, Wednesday, October 20
Exam 3, Wednesday, November 17
Final Exam, Friday, December 17, 8:00-10:00 a.m., FB213


Wednesday, August 28, First day of classes
Tuesday, August 31, Last day to add a class
Wednesday, September 15, Last day to drop a class without a grade
Monday, September 6, Labor Day holiday--no class
Friday, October 1, October break--no class
Monday, October 18, Middle of the fall semester
Friday, October 22, Last day to withdraw from a class
Thursday-Saturday, November 25-27, Thanksgiving holiday--no class
Friday, December 10, Last day of classes

CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM: The minimum University penalty for cheating and/or plagiarism is a grade of E for the entire course. It's not worth it and it is damaging to your self-integrity, so don't do it.

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Carl Lee
Tue Aug 24 09:26:48 EDT 1999