Take-Home Exam #2
Due Monday, December 14, 4:00 pm, in my mailbox, 745 POT
You may refer to your class notes and ask me if you have questions, but you are not permitted to use any other source of help or discussion, whether human or nonhuman. DO NOT TALK TO EACH OTHER ABOUT THESE EXAM QUESTIONS.
Remember that when a point P is reflected across a line ,
we find its image by first constructing a line m through P perpendicular to
, then finding the point Q of intersection of the two lines,
and finally finding the point R such that QR=QP and RP=2QP.
In proving the following results, you may use the standard results in geometry about congruent triangles, perpendicular lines, isosceles triangles, etc. If you have any question about which theorems you may cite, just ask me.
First, some definitions.
Use this to prove that
where the sum is taken over all the different types of p-gons in S. Now explain why