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From the website of the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (
- Standard 1: Mathematics as Problem Solving.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include the
refinement and extension of methods of mathematical problem solving so
that all students can--
- use, with increasing confidence, problem-solving approaches
to investigate and understand mathematical content;
- apply integrated mathematical problem-solving strategies to
solve problems from within and outside mathematics;
- recognize and formulate problems from situations within and
outside mathematics;
- apply the process of mathematical modeling to real-world
problem situations.
- Standard 2: Mathematics as Communication.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include the
continued development of language and symbolism to communicate
mathematical ideas so that all students can--
- reflect upon and clarify their thinking about mathematical
ideas and relationships;
- formulate mathematical definitions and express
generalizations discovered through investigations;
- express mathematical ideas orally and in writing;
- read written presentations of mathematics with
- ask clarifying and extending questions related to
mathematics they have read or heard about;
- appreciate the economy, power, and elegance of mathematical
notation and its role in the development of mathematical ideas.
- Standard 3: Mathematics as Reasoning.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include numerous and
varied experiences that reinforce and extend logical
reasoning skills so that all students can--
- make and test conjectures;
- formulate counterexamples;
- follow logical arguments;
- judge the validity of arguments;
- construct simple valid arguments;
and so that, in addition, college-intending students can--
- construct proofs for mathematical assertions, including
indirect proofs and proofs by mathematical induction.
- Standard 4: Mathematical Connections.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include
investigation of the connections and interplay among various
topics and their applications so that all students can--
- recognize equivalent representations of the same concept;
- relate procedures in one representation to procedures in an
equivalent representation;
- use and value the connections among mathematical topics;
- use and value the connections between mathematics and other
- Standard 5: Algebra.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include the continued
study of algebraic concepts and methods so that all students
- represent situations that involve variable quantities with
expressions, equations, inequalities, and matrices;
- use tables and graphs as tools to interpret expressions,
equations, and inequalities;
- operate on expressions and matrices, and solve equations and
- appreciate the power of mathematical abstraction and
and so that, in addition, college-intending students can-
- use matrices to solve linear systems;
- demonstrate technical facility with algebraic
transformations, including techniques based on the theory of
- Standard 6: Functions.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include the
continued study of functions so that all students can--
- model real-world phenomena with a variety of functions;
- represent and analyze relationships using tables, verbal
rules, equations, and graphs;
- translate among tabular, symbolic, and graphical
representations of functions;
- recognize that a variety of problem situations can be
modeled by the same type of function;
- analyze the effects of parameter changes on the graphs of
and so that, in addition, college-intending students can--
- understand operations on, and the general properties and
behavior of, classes of functions.
- Standard 7: Geometry From a Synthetic Perspective.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include the
continued study of the geometry of two and three dimensions so that
students can--
- interpret and draw three-dimensional objects;
- represent problem situations with geometric models and apply
properties of figures;
- classify figures in terms of congruence and similarity and
apply these relationships;
- deduce properties of, and relationships between, figures
from given assumptions;
and so that, in addition, college-intending students can-
- develop an understanding of an axiomatic system through
investigating and comparing various geometries.
- Standard 8: Geometry From an Algebraic Perspective.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include the
study of the geometry of two and three dimensions from an algebraic
point of view so that all students can--
- translate between synthetic and coordinate representations;
- deduce properties of figures using transformations and using
- identify congruent and similar figures using
- analyze properties of Euclidean transformations and relate
translations to vectors;
and so that, in addition, college-intending students can-
- deduce properties of figures using vectors;
- apply transformations, coordinates, and vectors in problem
- Standard 9: Trigonometry.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include the study of
trigonometry so that all students can--
- apply trigonometry to problem situations involving
- explore periodic real-world phenomena using the sine and
cosine functions;
and so that, in addition, college-intending students can--
- understand the connection between trigonometric and circular
- use circular functions to model periodic real-world
- apply general graphing techniques to trigonometric
- solve trigonometric equations and verify trigonometric
- understand the connections between trigonometric functions
and polar coordinates, complex numbers, and series.
- Standard 10: Statistics.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include the
continued study of data analysis and statistics so that all students
- construct and draw inferences from charts, tables, and
graphs that summarize data from real-world situations;
- use curve fitting to predict from data;
- understand and apply measures of central tendency,
variability, and correlation;
- understand sampling and recognize its role in statistical
- design a statistical experiment to study a problem, conduct
the experiment, and interpret and communicate the outcomes;
- analyze the effects of data transformations on measures of
central tendency and variability;
and so that, in addition, college-intending students can-
- transform data to aid in data interpretation and prediction;
- test hypotheses using appropriate statistics.
- Standard 11: Probability.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include the
continued study of probability so that all students can--
- use experimental or theoretical probability, as appropriate,
to represent and solve problems involving uncertainty;
- use simulations to estimate probabilities;
- understand the concept of a random variable;
- create and interpret discrete probability distributions;
- describe, in general terms, the normal curve and use its
properties to answer questions about sets of data that are assumed to
be normally distributed;
and so that, in addition, college-intending students can--
- apply the concept of a random variable to generate and
interpret probability distributions including binomial, uniform,
normal, and chi square.
- Standard 12: Discrete Mathematics.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include topics from
discrete mathematics so that all students can--
- represent problem situations using discrete structures such
as finite graphs, matrices, sequences, and recurrence relations;
- represent and analyze finite graphs using matrices;
- develop and analyze algorithms;
- solve enumeration and finite probability problems;
and so that, in addition, college-intending students can--
- represent and solve problems using linear programming and
difference equations;
- investigate problem situations that arise in connection with
computer validation and the application of algorithms.
- Standard 13: Conceptual Underpinnings of Calculus.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include the informal
exploration of calculus concepts from both a graphical and a
numerical perspective so that all students can--
- determine maximum and minimum points of a graph and
interpret the results in problem situations;
- investigate limiting processes by examining infinite
sequences and series and areas under curves;
and so that, in addition, college-intending students can--
- understand the conceptual foundations of limit, the area
under a curve, the rate of change, and the slope of a tangent line,
and their applications in other disciplines;
- analyze the graphs of polynomial, rational, radical, and
transcendental functions.
- Standard 14: Mathematical Structure.
In grades 9-12, the mathematics curriculum should include the study of
mathematical structure so that all students can--
- compare and contrast the real number system and its various
subsystems with regard to their structural characteristics;
- understand the logic of algebraic procedures;
- appreciate that seemingly different mathematical systems may
be essentially the same;
and so that, in addition, college-intending students can--
- develop the complex number system and demonstrate facility
with its operations;
- prove elementary theorems within various mathematical
structures, such as groups and fields;
- develop an understanding of the nature and purpose of
axiomatic systems.
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Previous: An Example
Carl Lee
Wed Sep 16 09:09:16 EDT 1998