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In March 1990 COMAP sponsored a workshop with educators and
researchers in geometry to address a perceived stagnation in the
teaching of geometry. One outcome was the publication Geometry's
Future (published by COMAP), which includes the following twelve
specific recommendations:
- Geometric objects and concepts should be more studied from an
experimental and inductive point of view rather than from an axiomatic
point of view. (Results suggested by inductive approaches should be
- Combinatorial, topological, analytical, and computational
aspects of geometry should be given equal footing with metric ideas.
- The broad applicability of geometry should be demonstrated:
applications to business (linear programming and graph theory), to
biology (knots and dynamical systems), to robotics (computational
geometry and convexity), etc.
- A wide variety of computer environments should be explored
(Mathematica, LOGO, etc.) both as exploratory tools and for concept
- Recent developments in geometry should be included. (Geometry
did not die with either Euclid or Bolyai and Lobachevsky.)
- The cross-fertilization of geometry with other parts of
mathematics should be developed.
- The rich history of geometry and its practitioners should be
shown. (Many of the greatest mathematicians of all time: Archimedes,
Newton, Euler, Gauss, Poincaré, Hilbert, Von Neumann, etc., have
made significant contributions to geometry.)
- Both the depth and breadth of geometry should be treated.
(Example: Knot theory, a part of geometry rarely discussed in either
high school or survey geometry courses, connects with ideas in
analysis, topology, algebra, etc., and is finding applications in
biology and physics.)
- More use of diagrams and physical models as aids to conceptual
development in geometry should be explored.
- Group learning methods, writing assignments, and projects should
become an integral part of the format in which geometry is taught.
- More emphasis should be placed on central conceptual aspects of
geometry, such as geometric transformations and their effects on point
sets, distance concepts, surface concepts, etc.
- Mathematics departments should encourage prospective teachers to
be exposed to both the depth and breadth of geometry.
In emphasizing the important role of visual examples and models,
Hilbert wrote in his preface to Geometry and the Imagination:
...[A] presentation of geometry in large brush-strokes, so to
speak, and based on the approach through visual intuition, should
contribute to a more just appreciation of mathematics by a wider range
of people than just the specialists. For it is true, generally
spaking, that mathematics is not a popular subject, even though its
importance may be generally conceded. The reason for this is to be
found in the common superstition that mathematics is but a
continuation, a further development, of the fine art of arithmetic, of
juggling with numbers. Our book aims to combat that superstition, by
offering, instead of formulas, figures that may be looked at and that
may easily be supplemented by models which the reader can construct.
This is echoed by Cundy and Rollett in their book Mathematical
The human mind can seldom accept completely abstract ideas; they must
be derived from, or illustrated by, concrete examples. Here the
reader will find ways of providing for himself tangible objects which
will bring that necessary contact with reality into the symbolic world
of mathematics.
These issues can be addressed
with the use of models to encounter, prove, and illustrate
important concepts in geometry. This is certainly not a novel idea,
but the regular use of models in middle and high school geometry
courses is still infrequent. That this should be the case for a
branch of mathematics which is directly motivated by and lends itself
so readily to visual illustration and exploration is indeed
disturbing. Some contributing factors are the convenience of
traditional classroom instruction, the lack of either the time to
construct models during class time or the space to store projects in
progress between class periods, expense, and lack of experience and
familiarity with three-dimensional geometry and visualization.
The concept of ``model'' should be interpreted liberally. A good
model may be
- Physical (e.g., a three-dimensional construction or a
two-dimensional drawing),
- Analytic (e.g., appropriate equations, coordinates, or data
- Digital or Computational (e.g., created by or drawn using a
computer), or
- Verbal.
Different models offer different degrees of exploratory ease and
require different levels of mathematical precision and understanding.
The same mathematical object can be illustrated by different types of
Models can be used to suggest mathematical results that should then be
proved (for example, constructing a dodecahedron out of pentagons does
not prove its mathematical existence, but can lead to the derivation
of the coordinates of its vertices), and mathematical results can
conversely be illustrated by models.
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Carl Lee
Wed Nov 4 12:13:22 EST 1998