Syllabus for MA 618
Combinatorics and Networks
Spring 1999
Course: MA 618, MWF 10:00-10:50, CB 345. I may also schedule some one-hour problem sessions from time to time.
Instructor: Carl Lee
Office: 967 Patterson Office Tower
Phone: 257-1405 (or 257-3336 to leave a message)
Web Page:
Office Hours: MWF 11-11:50 and by appointment. Occasionally the office hours will be cancelled because of a committee meeting, so you might want to check ahead before coming.
Text: Jon Lee, The Foundations of Combinatorial Optimization. I will make arrangements for this to be copied once I determine the class size.
Homework: There will be frequent homework assignments, but not on a set schedule--usually problems will be assigned as they are encountered in the text.
Exams: At this point I am planning to have two or three exams exams during the semester.
Final Exam: Friday, May 7, 1:00 pm, in our regular room.
Working Together: It is ok to work together on homework. However, when it comes time for you to write up the solutions, I expect you to do this on your own, and it would be best for your own understanding if you put aside your notes from the discussions with your classmates and wrote up the solutions entirely from scratch. Working together on exams, of course, is expressly forbidden.
Cheating: The University's minimum penalty for cheating or plagiarism is a failure in the course. Cheating or plagiarism can lead to expulsion from the university. See Student Rights and Responsibilities for information on cheating, plagiarism, and penalities. It's not worth it, so don't do it.
Suggestions: Suggestions for improvement are welcome at any time. Any concern about the course should be brought first to my attention. Further recourse is available through the offices of the Department Ombud and the Department Chair, both accessible from the Main Office in 715 Patterson Office Tower.
Course Content: