Welcome to MA 123 in Fall 2023

Elementary Calculus at the University of Kentucky

Course Description

This course is an introduction to differential and integral calculus, with applications to business and the biological and physical sciences. We cover differentiation of rational, radical, and exponential functions, integration as area, and using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to integrate certain elementary functions. We cover applications to increasing and decreasing functions, concavity, optimization, marginal cost, and others.

This website contains almost all the information you will need this semester, including an optional textbook for the course, contact information for your instructor, policies for grades and absences, worksheets used during recitation and lecture, important dates and deadlines, and more.

Learning Outcomes

This course will emphasize computational and modeling aspects of mathematics. The course will also require you to effectively communicate your solutions. This means that by the end of the semester you should be able to: setup application or word problems, explain the result of a computation, interpret formulas or processes, and clearly communicate your solution process, in addition to getting the "right" answer.

The web homework is only capable of testing your computational ability. Worksheets completed in recitation and lecture will help develop your modeling and mathematical communication skills.

Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  1. Evaluate limits of functions given graphically or algebraically.
  2. Compute derivatives of algebraic, logarithmic and exponential functions, and combinations of these functions.
  3. Interpret the derivative as a rate of change, and solve related application problems.
  4. Use first and second derivatives to analyze the graphs of functions, to find the maximum and minimum values of a function, and to solve related application problems.
  5. Interpret the definite integral in terms of area, and solve related application problems.
  6. Integrate selected functions, and apply the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate definite integrals.

Students will improve with regard to the following mathematical practices:

  1. Students will make sense of problems and be persistent while solving them.
  2. Students will engage in productive struggle with mathematics problems.
  3. Students will productively collaborate with others.
  4. Students will communicate through mathematical writing.

Course policy regarding supportive discourse: Students are not allowed to make negative comments about themselves or their mathematical ability, at any time, for any reason. Here are example statements that are banned, along with acceptable replacement phrases.

  • I can't do this.I am still learning how to do this.
  • That was stupid.That was a productive error.
  • This is impossible.There is something interesting and subtle in this problem.
  • I'm an idiot.This is going to take careful thought.
  • I'll never understand this.With persistence I can get this.
  • This is terrible.I think I've done something incorrectly, let me check it again.
The banned phrases represent having a fixed view of your own intelligence, which does not reflect the reality that you are all capable of dynamic, continued learning. The suggested replacement phrases support and represent having a realistic perspective regarding your abilities and your capacity for improvement.

Course Calendar

The course calendar contains all homework due dates and dates of exams, as well as a tentative schedule of what will be covered each lecture/recitation (calendar is subject to change).

Instructor Information

TA Mathskeller and Office Hours

Last Name Mathskeller Hours (CB 63) Office Hours
Burkholder Tuesday 1:00pm — 2:00pm Tuesday/Thursday 11:00am — 12:00pm (POT 702)
Davis Tuesday 4:00pm — 5:00pm Tuesday/Thursday 11:00am — 12:00pm (POT 706)
Hammer Thursday 1:00pm — 2:00pm Tuesday 8:00am — 9:00am (preferred for MA 123)
Thursday 12:00pm — 1:00pm (POT 718)
Hill Wednesday 10:00am — 11:00am Monday 12:00pm — 1:00pm
Thursday 11:00am — 12:00pm (POT 802)
Morrow Tuesday 10:00am — 11:00am Tuesday 11:00am — 12:00pm
Thursday 10:00am — 11:00am (POT 722)
Pickard Tuesday 4:00pm — 5:00pm Tuesday 1:00pm — 2:00pm
Thursday 8:00am — 9:00am (POT 806)
Reed Thursday 9:00am — 10:00am Monday 9:00am — 10:00am
Tuesday 3:30pm — 4:30pm (POT 802)
Robinson Tuesday 9:00am — 10:00am Tuesday/Thursday 2:15pm — 3:15pm (POT 702)
Rose Monday 2:00pm — 3:00pm Wednesday 10:00am — 11:00am
Thursday 12:30pm — 1:30pm (POT 906)
Sullivan Monday 9:00am — 10:00am Wednesday 4:00pm — 5:00pm
Thursday 11:00am — 12:00pm (POT 722)


The textbook is written as a series of guided notes that you may use in addition to the notes from class. Each chapter includes a blank set of notes, a completed set of notes, and videos for each worked out example (there are no videos for Chapter 1).


You will need a calculator for the homework and exams. We allow the same calculators as the ACT allows. You may not use any machine (carbon-based life form or silicon-based) that has symbolic manipulation capabilities of any sort on any exam. This precludes the use of TI-89, TI-Nspire CAS, HP 48, TI 92, Voyage 200, Casio Classpad or laptop computer. Also, you may not use your mobile phone, iPhone or Blackberry on any exam even if you forget your regular calculator. If it runs Android, GEOS, iOS, Linux, MacOS, PalmOS, Ubuntu, Unix, Windows, or similar operating systems, you cannot use it on the exams. Answers that are simply the output of a calculator routine or a single numerical or symbolic expression that has no supporting work will receive no credit on exams.


Excused Absences:

Excused absences are granted according to University Senate Rule, which defines the following as acceptable reasons for excused absences: significant illness; death of a family member; University-related trips; major religious holidays; and other circumstances your instructor finds to be "reasonable cause for nonattendance".

The procedure for handling an absence varies based on whether you are missing an exam, a lecture, or a recitation.

Missing an exam:

Absences from exams should be reported (in advance when possible) on this form. Please note that you will be required to submit documentation. Students who have university excused absences or who have university-scheduled class conflicts with common hour examinations need to make arrangements to take their exams at an alternate time. According to university policy, it is the student's responsibility to resolve scheduling conflicts with common hour exams, and this must be done at least TWO WEEKS before the exam. If you fail to inform your instructor of exam conflicts in timely manner, a 10 point penalty may be assessed on your exam score and you will be required to take the exam at one of the already scheduled alternate exam times. In the case of an excused absence, a make up exam must be completed within one week of the absence. Make ups will not be granted for unexcused absences.

There are no online exams. All exams are taken in-person.

Unless you have a documented excuse, no final exams will be given before Wednesday, December 13 at 6pm.

Missing a lecture:

To request a homework extension, you must provide documentation for any missed lectures. In general, homework extensions will only be granted if an excused absence significantly prevents a student from attempting an assignment during the time it is assigned.

Missing a recitation:

Recitation attendance is required. Contact your TA as soon as possible if you are unable to attend recitation due to an excused absence (you must provide documentation). In the case of an excused absence, any missed work must be completed within one week of the absence. Make ups will not be granted for unexcused absences.

Disability Accommodations:

If you have documented disability that requires academic accommodations, please see your instructor as soon as possible during scheduled office hours. In order to receive accommodations in this course, you must provide a Letter of Accommodation from the Disability Resource Center (Suite 407, Multidisciplinary Science Building, 859-257-2754, email address drc@uky.edu) for coordination of campus disability services available to students with disabilities. The letter must be submitted at least 7 business days prior to the date you wish to use your accommodations. Instructors may require an electronic version of the accomodation letter which you can download by logging into your account with the DRC.

Academic Integrity, Honesty, and Cheating:

You should feel free to study with friends, but any work you submit for a grade should be your own work. This applies to all exams, quizzes, and writing assignments, with the exception of assignments that are specifically designated as group assignments. Academic dishonesty, in any form, will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, copying a classmate's work, allowing a classmate to copy your work, having someone else turn in a quiz for you, turning in a quiz for someone who was not there, modifying an exam after it has been handed back in an attempt to deceive the instructor into believing the assignment was graded incorrectly, or using a cell phone during an exam. A student found guilty of academic dishonesty will receive an automatic E on the assignment, and in some cases the offense may lead to an E for the course, academic probation, or even expulsion. See sections 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 of the University Senate Rules for more information regarding academic integrity.

Classroom decorum and civility:

Students are expected to actively participate during class. Students are also expected not to distract others. If you are disrupting class, you may be asked to leave.

College-level mathematics can be very difficult, and many of your classmates will be having a hard time adjusting both to the university and to the demands of the class. You are expected to treat your classmates with respect. It is reasonable to disagree, but you should express your disagreement respectfully. Personal attacks or statements denigrating another on the basis of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, gender or gender expression, age, national/regional origin or other such irrelevant factors are considered a severe disruption. Harassment will not be tolerated.

Non-Discrimination Statement and Title IX Information:

The University of Kentucky faculty are committed to supporting students and upholding the University's non-discrimination policy. Discrimination is prohibited at UK. If you experience an incident of discrimination we encourage you to report it to the Institutional Equity & Equal Opportunity (IEEO) Office, 13 Main Building, (859) 257-8927. Refer to this DEI statement for details on the University of Kentucky's commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Acts of Sex- and Gender-Based Discrimination or Interpersonal Violence: If you experience an incident of sex- or gender-based discrimination or interpersonal violence, we encourage you to report it. While you may talk to a faculty member or TA/RA/GA, understand that as a "Responsible Employee" of the University these individuals MUST report any acts of violence (including verbal bullying and sexual harassment) to the University's Title IX Coordinator in the IEEO Office. If you would like to speak with someone who may be able to afford you confidentiality, the Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) program and Bias Incident Support Services (Frazee Hall – Lower Level), the Counseling Center (106 Frazee Hall), and University Health Services are confidential resources on campus.

Technical Support

If you experience technical issues with Canvas, visit https://www.uky.edu/canvas for assistance or call customer service at (859) 218-4357. If you experience technical issues with WeBWorK or Piazza, contact your instructor.

Expectations for Student Work

For any written solutions to problems in this course, students are expected to submit work that is clear, legible, and well-written. Students should show all their work in an organized manner, using complete sentences to explain their solutions and justify their computations.

Study Advice and Getting Help

Mathematics is not a spectator sport. To understand what this means, consider how well you might learn to play soccer by merely watching Lionel Messi, or learn to sing by only listening to Adele. Similarly, you will not learn the material in this course by doing just enough to get the correct answer on the homework. In order to learn, you must actively engage during both lecture and recitation. You should also use the homework as a chance to deepen your learning of the course content. The instructor's role is that of a coach or guide who will help you learn as much of the material as you desire. This being said, form good study skills from the start!

  • Take good notes during both lecture and recitation that you can look back on for reference.
  • Begin on the homework as soon as possible. It is imperative that you keep up with the content in lecture and recitation.
  • Form in person discussion groups or online discussion groups on Piazza or Canvas. Spend time discussing problems.
  • Begin preparing for exams well in advance. Review your lecture and recitation notes. Be sure you are familiar with the main results and theorems and how they are used in homework.
  • Work additional problems to prepare for the exam. Use old exams from previous semesters of MA 123 to take a practice test. Treat it like a test. Compare your solutions with those provided by the answer key.
  • If you are having trouble at any point, seek help immediately. We are here to help you, and we want each and every single one of you to be successful in this course.


You may access your course grades through the Canvas system, logging in with your linkblue ID and password. Your grade in the course will be determined as follows:

Activity Percentage of Grade
3 Common Hour Exams 16.67% Each
Final Exam (cumulative) 16.67%
Web Homework (WeBWorK) 16.66%
Recitation 16.66%
Total 100%

Minimum Overall Percentage Final Grade
89.5% A
79.5% B
69.5% C
59.5% D
0% E


Exam Information

Exam Schedule

MA 123 has common hour exams, including its final exam.

Click here for the room schedule for exams 1 through 4.

Each exam is worth 100 points. You must bring a photo ID to each exam and you may use an ACT approved calculator on the exams. No Computer Algebra System (CAS), no network (data or wifi), no camera. Absolutely no cell phone use during an exam is allowed. Each exam consists of 18 multiple choice questions and 2 free response questions. The final exam, Exam 4, is comprehensive.

Exams will be graded and returned via Gradescope. Once an exam is returned, you have one week to dispute your grade. No grade changes will be made afterwards. You should go back over an exam once it is returned and redo problems you got wrong. Due to the cumulative nature of this course, it is worth your time to learn from your errors promptly. Your Exam 4 score will replace your lowest exam score from Exam 1 through Exam 3 if there is an improvement.

A short review will be posted within your Canvas course at least a week prior to each exam. The review will consist of 8 questions that resemble multiple choice questions from your exam.

MA 123 Old Exams

Exams from previous semesters can be found here. These are not practice exams, they are exams given during prior semesters.

Spring 2019 Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
Fall 2018 Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
Spring 2018 Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
Fall 2017 Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
Spring 2017 Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
Fall 2016 Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
Spring 2016 Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
Fall 2015 Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4

Caution: The exact content of the exams may vary from semester to semester. Some new material has been added and some types of questions might be deleted. Nevertheless, the old exams still serve as a rough guide to the material. Exam content will be drawn from the lecture and recitation worksheets and web homework (WeBWorK).

Several versions of the exam are given during each sitting of the exam. The different versions contain essentially the same problems, but the data in the problems are different from version to version. Detailed solutions are provided for only one version of each exam.

Web Homework (WeBWorK)

Homework is turned in on WeBWorK, our online homework system. You can access WeBWorK using the Assignments tab in your Canvas course. We strongly recommend using Chrome or Firefox as the web browser. Sometimes students using Safari will have problems, but not always.

Once you submit your answer to a problem and see the green "correct" notification, you are done with that problem. You do not need to submit the entire assignment. WeBWorK will sync your grade with Canvas as you complete each problem.

You have unlimited tries for each problem up until the close date of an assignment. To earn 100% credit on an assignment, it must be completed by 5:00pm on the date listed below. With the exception of HW15, you can receive 80% credit for any work that is completed after the listed due date and before 11:59pm on Wednesday, December 6.

Due At 5:00pm On Given Date (for 100% credit)

The document Entering Answers in WeBWorK gives more information about how to enter mathematics to answer questions in WeBWorK. Please contact your instructor or teaching assistant if you have difficulty logging in.


Piazza is a group discussion board that we will use to ask/answer homework questions. Piazza has useful features like a math tool and the ability to post screen shots. You can find a link to Piazza in our Canvas course on the side tool bar. You should read the posting guidelines which are pinned to the top of the discussion history. Following the guidelines will allow the instructors to better assist you and will make information easier to find for everyone. This resource is FREE to use.


You are required to attend your recitation section. Time in recitation will be used to introduce new content via guided worksheets. Your TA will go over parts of each worksheet with you towards the end of class, after which you will complete an exit quiz to earn credit for that day (there are no quizzes during exam weeks or weeks in which not every section is scheduled to meet). Quizzes will be graded out of 4 points as follows:

  • 2 points - student demonstrates little to no understanding of the problem
  • 3 points - student demonstrates basic understanding of the problem, but significant errors are made or insufficient work is provided
  • 4 points - student demonstrates mastery or near-mastery of the problem
Quizzes will be graded and returned via Gradescope. Once a quiz is returned, you have one week to dispute your grade. No grade changes will be made afterwards.. Students may use their notes and a calculator on the quizzes.

Midterm Grade

Midterm grades will be posted in myUK by the deadline established in the Academic Calendar.             

Course Notes

Below are the notes that will be used this semester. It is recommended that you use an iPad or tablet to save your notes, or print a copy of each.

  • Introductory Worksheets: These worksheets will be completed during both recitation and lecture. We will not post solutions to these worksheets.
  • Review Worksheets: These worksheets will be completed during lecture. Your instructor may post solutions to these worksheets in your Canvas course.