Tutoring Resources


If you find that you are having difficulty with any aspect of the course, you should seek help immediately. Please talk to your instructor and teaching assistant as soon as possible.

The Study, offers free, drop-in Peer Tutoring in the evenings. Peer Tutors for math courses will be available whenever Peer Tutoring is offered: Sundays 6-10pm and MTWR 3-10pm.

Good Habits


Mathematics is not a spectator sport.  To understand what this means, consider how well you might learn to play tennis by watching Roger Federer. You will not learn the material in this course by listening to the lectures, and thinking to yourself - "Yes, I understand that". You must also read the book and work the problems to learn. The instructor's task is that of an assistant to help you learn as much of the material as you desire. This being said, form good study skills from the start!

  1. Come to class and take notes during lecture.
  2. Read each section of the text prior to the lecture where it will be covered.
  3. As you read the text, have pencil and paper handy. Work through the computations. Find examples to illustrate the theorems and results in the text.
  4. Begin the homework immediately after material is covered in class. Mathematics is cumulative. In order to benefit from Wednesday's lecture, you must understand the material covered on Monday.
  5. Find classmates and form a study group. Spend time discussing problems.
  6. Do not fall behind. It is very difficult to catch up in a math class after falling behind.
  7. Begin preparing for exams well in advance. Read the text again to review all of the material to be covered on the exam. Be sure you are familiar with the main results and theorems and how they are used in homework.
  8. Work additional problems to prepare for the exam. Use old exams from previous semesters of MA 138 to take a practice test. Treat it like a test. Compare your solutions with those provided by the answer key.
  9. If you are having trouble, then seek help immediately.