MA194 -- Internet Communications for Teachers -- Week 5
MA194 - Using WindowsNT

Instructor: Dan Chaney (Email addr:
Office: 959 Patterson Office Tower
USMail: 715 Patterson Office Tower, Lexington, KY 40506-0027
Office phone: (606) 257-2150 Fax: (606) 257-2975 Worst Case: (606) 323-2849

Slides for Week 5

    Tonight’s Topics

    Tonight’s Topics


    Click here to start

    Table of Contents

    Tonight’s Topics

    File Extension Mappings

    Using File Type mappings

    File extension mappings: Limitations

    Creating your own mappings

    File extension maps consist of:

    Adding applications to mappings

    The QuickView program

    Some QuickView files:

    The SendTo menu

    Adding to the SendTo menu

    Drag and drop printing

    Web addresses of interest

    Author: chaney


    Home Page: