MA194 -- Internet Communications for Teachers -- Week 5
MA194 - Using WindowsNT

Instructor: Dan Chaney (Email addr:
Office: 959 Patterson Office Tower
USMail: 715 Patterson Office Tower, Lexington, KY 40506-0027
Office phone: (606) 257-2150 Fax: (606) 257-2975 Worst Case: (606) 323-2849

Slides for week9

    Today’s Topics

    Today’s Topics


    Click here to start

    Table of Contents

    Today’s Topics

    Downloading Netscape

    Web server vs. web browser

    Servers and Browsers

    Browsers vs. Servers


    PPT Slide

    PPT Slide

    PPT Slide

    PPT Slide

    Listing items…

    Modifying your text

    What about plain text?

    Including links on your page

    Linking pages

    Linking pages

    Linking pages

    Having multiple local pages

    Local files vs. URLs

    Changing the background color

    Including pictures…

    Enough! I want this to be easy!

    Using Netscape’s Editor

    Saving your web page

    Author: chaney


    Home Page:

    Other information:
    Class 1 - Overview and Structure for the class, Overview of WindowsNT OS including design goals and various availability options.

    Download presentation source