Mathematics Courses - University Policies
Attendance. Attend lectures and recitations regularly. Be on time and remain until dismissed. Do not leave in the middle of class. Instructors have the right to take off attendance points for coming late or leaving early. If you cannot come to lecture or recitation and would like to request an excused absence, inform the instructor as early as possible and provide documentation. Excused absences. Students need to notify the instructor of absences prior to class when possible. Senate Rules defines the following as acceptable reasons for excused absences: (a) serious illness, (b) illness or death of family member, (c) University-related trips, (d) major religious holidays, and (e) other circumstances found to fit "reasonable cause for nonattendance" by the professor. Students anticipating an absence for a major religious holiday are responsible for notifying the instructor in writing of anticipated absences due to their observance of such holidays no later than the last day in the semester to add a class. Two weeks prior to the absence is reasonable, but should not be given any later. Information regarding major religious holidays may be obtained through the Ombud (859-257-3737). Per Senate Rule, students missing any graded work due to an excused absence are responsible: for informing the Instructor of Record about their excused absence within one week following the period of the excused absence (except where prior notification is required); and for making up the missed work. The professor must give the student an opportunity to make up the work and/or the exams missed due to an excused absence, and shall do so, if feasible, during the semester in which the absence occurred. Students may be asked to verify their absences in order for them to be considered excused. Senate Rule states that faculty have the right to request "appropriate verification" when students claim an excused absence because of illness, or death in the family. Appropriate notification of absences due to University-related trips is required prior to the absence when feasible and in no case more than one week after the absence. Note that classes meet as indicated in the course calendar, including on the day following exams. Unexcused Absences. Students are expected to withdraw from the class if more than 20% of the classes scheduled for the semester are missed (excused) per University policy. Use of electronic devices. Electronic devices such as mobile phones, laptops and tablets should be put away or used only as part of class activities during lectures and recitations at the direction of instructors. Instructors may prohibit their use during class. Students who are not participating in class may be marked absent. Mobile phones, laptops, and computers may not be used during exams. Students with disabilities. If you have a documented disability that requires academic accommodations, please see your instructor as soon as possible. In order to receive accommodations in this course, you must provide your instructor with a Letter of Accommodation from the Disability Resource Center. The Disability Resource Center coordinates campus disability services available to students with disabilities. It is located on the corner of Rose Street and Huguelet Drive in the Multidisciplinary Science Building, Suite 407. You can reach them via phone at (859) 257-2754 and via email at and at the DRC website. Assignment deadlines and alternate exam policy. In order to be fair to all students, dates for exams and homework assignments are as listed on the course calendar. Missed work and exams may be made up only due to illness with medical documentation or for other unusual (documented) circumstances. If you have a university excused absence or a university-scheduled class conflict with uniform examinations please contact your lecturer as soon as possible, but at least two weeks before the exam, so that an alternate exam can be arranged for you. University Policy on Academic Integrity. Per University policy, students shall not plagiarize, cheat, or falsify or misuse academic records. Students are expected to adhere to University policy on cheating and plagiarism in all courses. The minimum penalty for a first offense is a zero on the assignment on which the offense occurred. If the offense is considered severe or the student has other academic offenses on their record, more serious penalties, up to suspension from the University may be imposed. Plagiarism and cheating are serious breaches of academic conduct. Each student is advised to become familiar with the various forms of academic dishonesty as explained in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Complete information can be found at the Ombud website. A plea of ignorance is not acceptable as a defense against the charge of academic dishonesty. It is important that you review this information as all ideas borrowed from others need to be properly credited. Senate Rules 6.3.1 (see Senate Rules for the current set of Senate Rules) states that all academic work, written or otherwise, submitted by students to their instructors or other academic supervisors, is expected to be the result of their own thought, research, or self-expression. In cases where students feel unsure about a question of plagiarism involving their work, they are obliged to consult their instructors on the matter before submission. When students submit work purporting to be their own, but which in any way borrows ideas, organization, wording, or content from another source without appropriate acknowledgment of the fact, the students are guilty of plagiarism. Plagiarism includes reproducing someone else's work (including, but not limited to a published article, a book, a website, computer code, or a paper from a friend) without clear attribution. Plagiarism also includes the practice of employing or allowing another person to alter or revise the work, which a student submits as his/her own, whoever that other person may be. Students may discuss assignments among themselves or with an instructor or tutor, but when the actual work is done, it must be done by the student, and the student alone. When a student's assignment involves research in outside sources or information, the student must carefully acknowledge exactly what, where and how he/she has employed them. If the words of someone else are used, the student must put quotation marks around the passage in question and add an appropriate indication of its origin. Making simple changes while leaving the organization, content, and phraseology intact is plagiaristic. However, nothing in these Rules shall apply to those ideas, which are so generally and freely circulated as to be a part of the public domain. Policy regarding collaboration. Mathematics is an inherently collaborative and social activity. Students are encouraged to work together to understand a problem and to develop a solution. However, the solution you submit for credit must be your own work. In particular, you should prepare your solutions to the written assignments independently and you should submit your answers for web homework independently. Copying on exams and usage of books, notes, or communication devices during examinations is not allowed. Cheating or plagiarism is a serious offense and will not be tolerated. Students are responsible for knowing the University policy on academic dishonesty. Mid-term Grades. Mid-term grades will be posted in myUK by the deadline established in the Academic Calendar. All requests for corrections to grading should be addressed to your instructor. Requests should be made shortly after you receive the paper back and must be made within one day of the paper being returned. |