A Short discussion for Empirical Likelihood and Bootstrap:
中文Some notes on Logrank Test: 中文A Proof that Kaplan-Meier/Nelson-Aalen estimator reached the information lower bound:
EnglishA note on a so-called novel estimate of pAUC:
EnglishPresentation slides for a talk at Univ. of Kentucky Oct. 9, 2020 English Slides
In memory of Professor T.L. Lai. A picture taken in 1980 at
Zhejiang Univ. Lai and his wife is in the middle, me on the far right.
Lai Pic
Some Pictures of John R. Van Ryzin (1935-1987). He was my Ph. D. thesis adviser. ![Van Ryzin, Zhou and Gomez 1986 at Columbia](photo/V_Z_G1986_2.jpg)
(click to see larger image) Mai Zhou, John Van Ryzin and Lupe Gomez,
1986 at Columbia University. Ph. D. greaduation.
(click to see larger image) Van Ryzin and Mai Zhou 5/1986 at Columbia
![John Van Ryzin and Mai Zhou 1983](photo/VanRyzinZhou1983_2.jpg)
(click to see larger image) John Van Ryzin and Mai Zhou 1983. New York.
![From News Week Mag](photo/VanRyzin.jpg)
From Newsweek Magazine Aug. 10, 1987.
Some old Probability/Statistics Qualify Exams from Univ. of Kentucky and Columbia University
Old Thesis of Li Lee at Columbia University (1990)......look inside the research link