Include Graphs in the Latex Documents and output PDF

1. Produce a graph and save it as  XXX.pdf  file  or  XXX.png file. If your graph is not in these format, use the software GIMP to convert it into these format. [GIMP is free] You may be able to do the conversion by other software too. JPEG graph file may also work.

2. Use Winshell [Winshell is also free] or WinEdt [shareware] to creat a latex file Example.tex, save the latex file and the graph file in the same folder.


           {\Large AFT Models and Empirical Likelihood }

            This is just an example of including graph in the latex.  Mathematics symbols looks
            best when typed in latex, like in 
                \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}  e ^{-t^2} dt



3. Click on the pdflatex/pdftex button inside the Winshell/WinEdt, and there you have it.

4. This of course assumes your computer have Miktex installed. [Miktex is also free]

5. One way to produce statistical graph/plots is by using R. [R is also free]. Google the software and you can find it.