Spring, 2012 STA 665 - 001 Analysis of Categorical Data
Instructor: Dr. Mai Zhou
Office: MDS 343, Mailbox: MDS ??, Phone: 257-6912, E-mail:
Web page (this page): http://www.ms.uky.edu/~mai/sta665.html
Office Hours: TBA or by appointment.
Class: TR 11:00 AM -- 12:15 PM at ( MDS 335 ). Notice the location change.
Final Exam: May 3, Thur. 1:00 PM -- 3:30 PM.
Textbook: A. Agresti (2002). Categorical Data Analysis, 2nd Edition.
(older edition may be OK).
An article from NewYork Times: "The age of big data"
CBS 60 min: how statisticians find a fraud in cancer research
and related Details of statistical analysis.
HorseRacing Data (Excel File) and some Notes on the analysis of the data
The following links may be useful:
Splus code invreg, R code SIR and R package dr in the CRAN.
Kaggle -where you can build a statistical model and win 3 million dollars YahooResearch
Regression Modeling Strategies (especially chapter 6)
Program related to HW2 courtesy of F ZhouEvaluations:
Homework 55%
Final Exam/Project 45% Official Due time:
May 3
Homework: there will be weekly/bi-weekly homework assignments.
After each homework is assigned for at least
10 days, I will randomly select a student to present your
solution to the class. So be sure to finish homework on time.