Nathan Druivenga

University of Kentucky

Department of Mathematics

Office: Patterson Office Tower 725
Office Phone: (859)257-2354

Fall 2019 Office Hours
All office hours are held in the Mathskeller (CB 063)
M, W, F 9:30-10:30am
Other times available by appointment


Course Coordination

MA 123: Fall 2019 - Present
MA 162: Fall 2017 - Spring 2019
MA 123 Online: Summer 2017 - Present
MA 162 Online: Summer 2019 - Present


Lecturer Hiring Committee: 2018 & 2019
Salary Commitee: 2019 & 2020
Undergraduate Committee: 2019 & 2020

Course Creation/Restructuring

MA 162 Transition to open source text and WeBWork: Summer 2018
MA 162 Create online website and lecture videos: Spring 2019 - Summer 2019
MA 123 Create online lecture videos: Summer 2017 & 2019



Heegaard diagrams corresponding to Turaev surfaces (Joint with C. Armond and T. Kindred Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 2015)

Tangle functors from semicyclic representations (Joint with C. Frohman and S. Kumar Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 2017)

Other Work

The AJ-Conjecture for Cables of Two Bridge Knots (Available on arXiv, 2014)

Quantum A Curves of Torus Knots (In Progress )

Graduate Thesis

Quantum Topology and Me (Available Here, 2016)

About Me

I am a Lecturer in the Mathematics Department at the University of Kentucky. My main focus is on teaching introductory level math courses.

My research is in quantum topology with a focus on knot invariants.

My CV is available here.

When I'm not teaching, I am with my son having all the fun.