Titles for Midwest PDE seminar, fall 1997, Lexington, Kentucky
- Emmanuele di Benedetto, Northwestern University, Asymptotics estimates for certain degenerate
parabolic equations
- Wilfrid Gangbo, Georgia Tech, Optimal Maps for the Multidimensional
Monge-Kantorovich Problem.
- Steve Hofmann, University of Missouri, Recent progress on boundary
value problems for the heat equation in time varying domains
- Mary Ann Horn, Vanderbilt University, Applications of microlocal
analysis to the question of stability of elastic systems
- Suzanne Lenhart, University of Tennessee, Optimal Control of PDE/ODE
systems modeling Bioreactors
- Yuan Lou, University of Chicago, Diffusion vs. Cross-diffusion
- Michael Taylor, University of North Carolina, Layer integral techniques
for PDE with non-smooth coefficients
- Roger Temam, Indiana University Some mathematical problems related
to the primitive equations of the atmosphere and oceans Abstract