%12/13/93 \documentclass[12pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} %\input /u/s1/ma/rbrown/tex/macros/latex_course.tex \input rmb_local %\input amssym.def %\input amssym %\input psfig.tex %\input mssymb \renewcommand\marginpar[1]{} \newcommand{\comment}[1]{} \textwidth 6in \oddsidemargin 0.25in \topmargin-0.25in \textheight 8.5in \begin{document} \begin{flushleft} Schedule, Chapter 2\hfill \course\\ \semester \hfill Russell Brown \\ \bigskip \begin{tabular}{ll} W 9/23 & \S2.1 \\ R 9/24 & Problems, \S2.1, lines, Appendix B pp. A10--A13, finish Appendix C\\ & if necessary \\ F 9/25 & \S2.2, Limit of a function \\ M 9/28 & \S2.3, Calculating limits \\ T 9/29 & Problems, \S2.2 and \S2.3 \\ W 9/30 & \S2.4, Quiz \S2.1, \S2.2 \\ R 10/1 & Problems, \S2.4 \\ F 10/2 & Fall break \\ M 10/5 & \S2.5, Limits involving infinity \\ T 10/6 & Problems, \S2.5 \\ W 10/7 & \S2.6 Tangents, velocities and rates of change \\ R 10/8 & Problems, \S2.6 \\ F 10/9 & \S2.7, Derivatives, Quiz \S\S2,3--2.5 \\ M 10/12& \S2.8, The derivative as a function\\ T 10/13& Problems, \S2.7, 2.8 \\ W 10/14& \S2.9, Linear approximation \\ R 10/15& Problems \S2.9 \\ F 10/16& \S2.10, What does $f'$ say about $f$, quiz \S\S2.6--2.9 \\ M 10/19 & Review\\ T 10/20 & Review, test at night, 7:30pm-9:30pm, CB114 \\ \end{tabular} \bigskip The first written homework assignment for chapter 2 will be due on Wednesday, 30 September at 10am. The assignment is \S2.1 \#6, \S2.2, \#8 and \#18. In \S2.2, \#18c) try $10^{-k}$, for $k=1,2,\dots$ until you obtain zero. There is a primitive web site for this course at www.ms.uky.edu/$\sim$rbrown/ma113. All handouts for this course will be available in postscript, pdf and \LaTeX\ source. \LaTeX\ files are intended to be run through a typesetting system to produce mathematical symbols, however, they consist of plain text and should be understandable. I have recently changed the .tex extension to .txt and the \LaTeX\ files should now display as text in your browser. \bigskip Recitation 9 \hfill \course \\ 24 September 1998 \hfill \semester \medskip \begin{enumerate} \item Work problems \#1, 3, 5, 9 in section 2.1 of Stewart. \item Problems \#1--3, section 2.2 of Stewart. \item Try to guess the limit $$ \lim_{x\rightarrow 0} \sin(\pi/x). $$ Hint: In addition to trying numerical values, look at a graph. \item Read about lines on pages A10--A13 in Appendix B. Work problems 6, 13, 17, 19 and 45 from Appendix B. \item Finish problems from Appendix C, if you have not already done so. \end{enumerate} \end{flushleft} \end{document}