MA113 |
Spring '00 |
Information for
instructors |
Course coordinator: Russell Brown |
Textbook: The textbook for this course will be Calculus, 8th edition, by D. Varberg, E. Purcell, and Steven E. Rigdon, Prentice-Hall (1999), ISBN0-13-081137-8. The price is about $100 at the bookstores.
Syllabus: A suggested course calendar with suggested problems is available. You may duplicate the version I have provided to Elizabeth. Each instructor should also provide an individual syllabus giving name, contact information and office hours and additional information about grading policy. The course calendar and a copy of my syllabus are available at as Word ’00 documents.
Exams: There will be three exams and a final. These exams are scheduled in the evening at the times indicated in the common exam schedule. Though we have common exam times, we do not have common exams. Instructors in evening classes generally give their exams during a regularly scheduled class meeting. Rooms for exams will be assigned after classes begin. The final exam schedule is available at
Graders: I expect that we will have graders, but a final decision has not been made.
MA193: In addition, to the 4 hours of credit for MA1113, the department offers one additional hour of credit as MA193 on a pass fail basis. Instructors may set their own grading policy for MA193. Typically, the grade is based on attendance in recitation with two unexcused absences allowed. Thus, a student with three or more unexcused absences will fail. MathExcel students must take MA193.
Must a student take MA193? No. The math department recommends that all students take MA193. Advisors in the engineering college advise against it.
What section of MA193 should a student register in? Students should register in same section number for both MA193 and MA113. If a student drops or changes sections of MA113, they should also drop or change sections of MA193. Instructors and teaching assistants should check their MA193 rolls near the end of the semester. If you see a name that is unfamiliar, please try to determine if they are registered in another section of MA113. If you have a student who thinks they are registered in MA193, but does not appear on your roll, try to find out if they are registered in another section.
Can MA193 be repeated? Yes, though there is little benefit to this.
Can MA193 be taken without MA113? Yes, though it is not recommended. However, occasionally students will need to remain in MA193 in order to maintain a minimum number of credit hours for bureaucratic reasons.
University studies program: MA113 is part of the University studies program. It fulfills the mathematics component of the Basic skills requirement and the inference component. As such it has a writing component. Instructors should encourage their students to write coherently on exams and homework. A number of interesting problems whose solution requires writing are marked in the syllabus.
Suggested grading: Students need 90% for an A, 80% for a B, 70% for a C and 60% for a D.
3 hour exams |
300 |
Final exam |
100 |
Homework, quizzes |
150 |
550 |
Problems: Students should try to resolve problems with their instructor and/or teaching assistant. If this is unsuccessful, they may contact the course coordinator, Russell Brown, the departmental ombudperson, Robert Molzon, or the university ombudperson.
Calculators: Most students are familiar with graphing calculators such as the TI-82. These calculators allow students to graph functions, solve equations, evaluate derivatives and definite integrals numerically. Elizabeth has TI-82 calculators that each instructor may check out. I suggest that students be allowed to use such calculators on exams. In addition, some students will have machines that can carry out symbolic computations. I suggest that students not be allowed to use such machines on exams. Examples of such machines include the TI-89, TI-92, the HP48 and, of course, laptop computers.
Computer labs: The math department controls two computer labs: Inslab and KERAlab that instructors may use. Contact Laura Spencer ( or see for more information. These labs have Maple and Matlab available. The university also maintains numerous computer labs where students may use Maple and other mathematical software.