Introduction to 2009 Fall WHS system
(For students in course Ma162)

  1. Connect to 
  2. Click on the link labeled Login to WHS.
  3. Login using your campus active directory account with the user
    name typed as ad\UserName and the usual password for the "UserName" account.
  4. If WHS decides that you need to set up a new Math Class account, then you will 
    get a form entitled Register for an Account. Fill in the fields and submit the form.
  5. These are the details of the form:
  6. Email: Provide an e-mail where you will receive all further communication from WHS. 
    Remember it well! In the future, you should log into WHS using this email as your
    user name.
  7. Password: Set the password to be used for your WHS account.
    It must be at least 7 characters long and include a character which is neither a
    letter nor a digit.
  8. Security Question  and Security Answer: If you forget your password, you can have 
    it reset by using the Forgot your password link on the login page and giving the
    Security Answer in response to the Security Question. The Security Answer is case
  9. First  and Last Name: These should be the same as what you use for University records 
    as your instructor will need to match these with the name on the class roll and
    grading sheets.
  10. Affiliation:  Select  College or University  and another pull-down will appear. 
    From it, select University of Kentucky. A text field labeled UK or AS Account
    will appear. Put in your active directory login name in the form ad\UserName
    (just like you did to login).
  11. Finally, To create the account, click on the *Create User* button, then click on 
    the *Continue* button.
  12. Your WHS account should work normally, unless you have added the class within last 
    few hours. In that case, you may have a delay of up to 24 hours for your new account
    to be active.