
This is where you can find resources relating to food, activities, and housing around Lexington according to feedback from math graduate students.

First, whether you are new to town or looking for new adventures, we have compiled a collection of popular places around Lexington where you can go for food and activities. Most of them are great on a graduate student budget. These places are in the map below, along with other relevant places on campus like the Math House. Second, there is a collection of housing reviews from graduate students in our department. It includes both recommendations and warnings about mostly apartments but some houses too.

If you have any suggestions for additions or updates to any of these documents, please contact the GSC at uky.math.gsc@gmail.com or GSC officers at their individual email addresses.


This is where you can find resources on campus available to you as a graduate student.

Math House

654 Maxwelton Ct. Lexington, KY 40508

This small house on the edge of campus is the home to a few graduate student offices and is where we host some math department events like the beginning-of-the-year welcome and game night, MathExcel recitations, and summer prelim study sessions.

Classroom Buildings

Most math classes are hosted in Whitehall Classroom Building (CB), but there are also some in Funkhouser Building (FB), Jacob Science Building (JSB or ASB), Chemistry-Physics Building (CP), the Math House (MAHO), Biological Science Building (BS), Gatton Business and Economics Building (BE), or Rosenberg Law Building (LAW). There is a map of all buildings on campus here.


There are several libraries within walking distance from POT that are great for studying and research if you want to work outside of your office. The Science and Engineering Library is the closest and holds math resources, including several textbooks. Here is a link to more information about the libraries.

Dollar Lunch

There is a small cafeteria which provides lunch for a dollar each day. There is one vegan option and each day has a different meat option on a weekly rotation. Both options come with a few sides from which you can choose two, plus a fruit. You can get up to two portions a day, either one for lunch and one for dinner, or a single double portion. Make sure that you bring your student ID and account for sales tax which is 6%. It is a healthy, cheap option for those who forgot to pack their lunch or want to eat out on a budget. The dollar lunch menu and other information can be found here.


There are two gyms on campus. The Alumni Gym is in the student center next to POT, downstairs on the end facing the parking garage. It is the smaller gym with some workout rooms, cardio machines, and weights. The Johnson Center is the primary, bigger gym by the football stadium. It includes more amenities like a jogging track, racquetball, and a climbing wall. Both are accessible with your student ID and are included in the mandatory semesterly fees of a full-time student, except in the summer or after qualifying when those fees are not automatically billed but can still be paid to maintain access. Here is a link to all of the fitness resources available to students.

Counseling Center

Graduate school can be stressful and emotionally draining, so it is important to know that UK provides free counseling for all students. The Counseling Center offers individual counseling, graduate student support group, meditation and mindfulness training, stress relief coloring pages, and many other resources. Remember that most of these resources are also freely available for undergraduates, so as a TA and mentor to undergraduate math majors, consider sharing this information with them as well. Here is the website for more details on resources and how to make an appointment.

Disability Resource Center

As instructors, we often receive letters from the DRC about accommodations for extra time or alternative means of learning/testing for our students. The DRC is a support for both students and instructors. They provide testing for learning disabilities and alternative testing sites plus information about how instructors can help their students with disabilities. In case you or your student has questions about the DRC and what they have to offer, here is a link to the website.

Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching

CELT is a great resource for building syllabi, lesson planning, engaging students in lecture, online teaching, and anything else teaching related. They have office hours for questions and consultations, and they host workshops all over campus. Here is the link to their website.

Math Department

Here, we have tried to centralize the most important information relevant to math graduate students like the dissertation template augmented with notes about things that need to get done leading up to graduation, the graduate student handbook with information on academic requirements and prelim exam topics, and other departmental policy documents.

Dissertation Template, Overleaf link
Graduate Student Handbook
UKY Remote Access
Graduate Student Travel Funding
Qualified Student Credit Hour Restrictions