Margaret A. Readdy


Margaret Readdy

G reetings!

I am a
Professor of Mathematics
at the
University of Kentucky.

Photo by Sydney Janda.


I am a member of the Discrete Mathematics group in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kentucky.

Curriculum Vitae


My research interests are in algebraic combinatorics, namely the interaction of combinatorics with algebra, topology, discrete geometry and number theory.

NSF logo

My research is supported by NSF grant DMS-2247382.
Here are products and activities resulting from this grant.

Recent preprints and papers


My current PhD students are Will Gustafson and Ben Reese.

List of all of my students (Postdoctoral, PhD, Masters and Undergraduate Research).

Conferences and Seminars

NSF logo

I am co-organizing the KOI Combinatorics Lectures. It is funded by the National Science Foundation NSF DMS 2435236.
First meeting (K) at the University of Kentucky Spring 2023.
Second meeting (O) at Ohio State University Fall 2023.
Third meeting (I) at the Indiana University Fall 2024.

In Spring 2023 I am organizing the Discrete CATS Seminar. From 2000 to 2014, and 2017 to Fall 2018 I organized this seminar and co-organized the WILDCATS Seminar.

In Spring 2015 I co-organized the Princeton University Combinatorics Seminar.

In the News

Interview by Robert Jajcay of Comenius University during EUROCOMB 2019 in Bratislava Slovakia.

On the cover of the March 2018 Notices of the AMS . Christine Taylor and I were guest editors for this special issue for Women's History Month.

U Kentucky public relations interview about the IAS Women and Mathematics program winning the AMS 2019 Award for Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference. Here is the award announcement in the May 2019 Notices of the AMS.

Upcoming Events

Map of M. Readdy's talks and research visits.




Here I am asking Professor Einstein why he hasn't been showing up for tea lately at Fuld Hall.

Here is a recent picture of my sons Thomas and Theodore, ages 6 and 10. And ages 8 and 12. And ages 10 and 14. And ages 12 and 16. And ages 14 - ε and 18 + ε. And ages 17 + ε and 21 + ε.

Inauguration Day 2009

Other photos


UK campus aerial Mailing address:

University of Kentucky
Department of Mathematics
Lexington, KY 40506-0027 USA

phone +1 (859) 257-4680
FAX +1 (859) 257-4078
margaret.readdy (at)
margaret.readdy (at)

© 2000 Margaret A. Readdy.