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Incidence Geometry

We are now ready to begin our study of geometries in earnest. We will study neutral geometry, based on the axioms of Hilbert. This means that we will study all that we can, almost, without the introduction of a Parallel Postulate of any sort. At the appropriate time we will add a parallel postulate and see where we will be led.

For an ease of notation, let tex2html_wrap_inline12498 denote the statement that the point B lies between the point A and the point C.

Definition: Let tex2html_wrap_inline11154 be any line and let A and B be any points that do not lie on tex2html_wrap_inline11154. If A=B or if the segment AB contains no point lying on tex2html_wrap_inline11154, we say that A and B are on the same side of tex2html_wrap_inline12840.   If if tex2html_wrap_inline12842 and if AB contains a point of tex2html_wrap_inline11154, we say that A and B are on opposite sides of tex2html_wrap_inline12840.  

Let us quickly review the incidence axioms.

Incidence Axiom 1: For every point P and for every point Q not equal to P there exists a unique line tex2html_wrap_inline11154 that passes through P and Q.

Incidence Axiom 2: For every line tex2html_wrap_inline11154 there exists at least two distinct points incident with tex2html_wrap_inline11154.

Incidence Axiom 3: There exist three distinct points with the property that no line is incident with all three of them.

This does not seem like much, but already we can prove several easy properties that any set satisfying these three axioms must have.

Theorem 5.1:  If tex2html_wrap_inline11154 and m are distinct lines that are not parallel, then tex2html_wrap_inline11154 and m have a unique point in common.

Let's be brave and give a formal and an informal proof of this theorem. Having done that, I think that you will see how an informal proof is really a rigorous proof, just not a formal proof.

Proof: First, the formal proof. We shall break the statement into its three constituent parts.

P: tex2html_wrap_inline12878.
Q: tex2html_wrap_inline12880.
R: tex2html_wrap_inline11154 and m have a unique point in common.

We are to prove then that

tex2html_wrap_inline12220: tex2html_wrap_inline12880 and tex2html_wrap_inline12878
Assuming P and Q in an RCP proof
tex2html_wrap_inline12226: tex2html_wrap_inline11154 and m have at least one point in common.
negation of the condition of being parallel
tex2html_wrap_inline12232: Assume tex2html_wrap_inline11154 and m have more than one point in common.
Proof by Contradiction
tex2html_wrap_inline12238: From tex2html_wrap_inline12220 and tex2html_wrap_inline12232, tex2html_wrap_inline11154 and m have at least
two points, A and B, in common
tex2html_wrap_inline12922: There exists a unique line through A and B
Axiom I-1
tex2html_wrap_inline12928: Thus, tex2html_wrap_inline12930
tex2html_wrap_inline12238 and tex2html_wrap_inline12922
tex2html_wrap_inline12936: We have Q and tex2html_wrap_inline12384, a contradiction
tex2html_wrap_inline12220 and tex2html_wrap_inline12928
tex2html_wrap_inline12946: Thus tex2html_wrap_inline11154 and m have a unique point in common
the other case of tex2html_wrap_inline12226

An informal proof of this result follows much the same line, but is easier to read.

Proof: Since tex2html_wrap_inline11154 and m are not parallel and since tex2html_wrap_inline12878, they must have at least one point in common. Assume that they have more than one point in common. They then have at least two points in common. Axiom I-1 says that two points determine a unique line, so tex2html_wrap_inline12930, which is contrary to the hypothesis. Thus, tex2html_wrap_inline11154 and m have a unique point in common.

Definition: Two or more lines are concurrent if they intersect in one common point. 

Definition: Two or more points are collinear if they are all incident with the same line. 

We have four other results to mention.

Theorem 5.2:  For every line there is at least one point not incident with it.

Theorem 5.3:  every point there is at least one line not incident with it.

Theorem 5.4:  every point there exist at least two lines incident with it.

Theorem 5.5:  exist three distinct lines which are not concurrent.

To introduce you to the concept of a model for geometry, let us look at a simple example of some mathematical object which satisfies the three axioms of incidence, based on our interpretation of the undefined concepts.

Example: Consider the set tex2html_wrap_inline12966. We shall interpret a point to be a singleton subset of U. Thus, tex2html_wrap_inline12970, and tex2html_wrap_inline12972 are points. We shall interpret a line to be a doubleton subset of U. The lines are then tex2html_wrap_inline12976, tex2html_wrap_inline12978, and tex2html_wrap_inline12980. We shall agree that a point is incident with a line if it is a subset of the line. Now, before we continue, we must verify that each of the Incidence Axioms is valid in this particular example.

Axiom I-1: If X and Y are any of the points of this geometry, then tex2html_wrap_inline12986 is the unique line which contains them, for there are only three possible lines.

Axiom I-2: If tex2html_wrap_inline12986 is any line in this geometry, then tex2html_wrap_inline12990 and tex2html_wrap_inline12992 are two distinct points incident with it.

Axiom I-3: The points tex2html_wrap_inline12970, and tex2html_wrap_inline12972 are three distinct points which are not collinear.

Thus this is a model of a geometry which satisfies the Incidence Axioms. Such a geometry is called an incidence geometry. There are a number of different ways of visualizing this geometry.

Example: Again, consider the set tex2html_wrap_inline12966. We shall interpret a point to be a doubleton subset of U. The points are then tex2html_wrap_inline12976, tex2html_wrap_inline12978, and tex2html_wrap_inline12980. We shall interpret a line to be a singleton subset of U. Thus, tex2html_wrap_inline12970, and tex2html_wrap_inline12972 are lines. We shall agree that a point is incident with a line if it contains the line as a subset. Now, we must verify that each of the Incidence Axioms is valid in this example.

Axiom I-1: If X and Y are any of the points of this geometry, then tex2html_wrap_inline13018 is the unique line which contains them. There are three possible points and each must contain two elements from U. Thus, the intersection in the set U will be nonempty.

Axiom I-2: If tex2html_wrap_inline12990 is any line in this geometry, then tex2html_wrap_inline12986 and tex2html_wrap_inline13028 are two distinct points incident with it.

Axiom I-3: The points tex2html_wrap_inline13030, and tex2html_wrap_inline12978 are three distinct points which are not collinear, since their intersection is empty.

Thus this, too, is a model of an incidence geometry. It is sometimes referred to as the dual geometry to the previous example.

Note that since the three incidence axioms hold for each of these two examples, the five theorems must also hold. One further item to note about these geometries--there are no parallel lines. Given a line and a point not on that line in each of these two examples, there is no line through that point parallel to the given line. We say that these two models exhibit the elliptic parallel property. This property is not inherent in the incidence axioms, but is inherent in the examples. There are other examples of incidence geometries which do not exhibit the elliptic parallel property.

This implies that we cannot prove the Euclidean Parallel Postulate based only on the incidence axioms. In fact we cannot prove that parallel lines even exist, based solely on the incidence axioms. Furthermore, we cannot prove that they do not exist.

Example: If we take tex2html_wrap_inline13034 and take the same interpretation for point and line as in Example 1, then we will have an incidence geometry which exhibits the Euclidean parallel property--unique parallels.

Example: If we take tex2html_wrap_inline13036 and take the same interpretation for point and line as in Example 1, then we will have an incidence geometry which exhibits the hyperbolic parallel property--multiple parallels.

Definition: We say that two models for incidence geometry are isomorphic if there is a one-to-one correspondence between the points of the models, tex2html_wrap_inline13038, and the lines of the models tex2html_wrap_inline13040, which preserves the incidence relations; i.e., P' is incident with tex2html_wrap_inline13044 if and only if P is incident with tex2html_wrap_inline11154.

Note that we will not be able to have a model with the elliptic parallel property isomorphic to a model with the hyperbolic or Euclidean parallel property, for incidence would not be preserved.

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