Since the angle sum of any triangle in neutral geometry is not more than
, we can compute the difference between the number 180 and the
angle sum of a given triangle.
Definition: The defect of a triangle is the number
In euclidean geometry we are accustomed to having triangles whose defect is zero. Is this always the case? The Saccheri-Legrendre Theorem indicates that it may not be so. However, what we wish to see is that the defectiveness of triangles is preserved. That is, if we have one defective triangle, then all of the triangles are defective. By defective, we mean that the triangles have positive defect.
Theorem 10.4:[Additivity of Defect] Let be any
triangle and let D be a point between A and B. Then
Proof: Since lies in
, we know that
and since and
are supplementary angles
. Therefore,
Corollary 1: if and only if
A rectangle is a quadrilateral all of whose angles are right angles. We cannot prove the existence or non-existence of rectangles in Neutral Geometry. Nonetheless, the following result is extremely useful.
Theorem 10.4: If there exists a triangle of defect 0, then a rectangle exists. If a rectangle exists, then every triangle has defect 0.
Let me first outline the proof in five steps.
Figure 11.4: Right triangle with defect 0
Assume not; i.e., assume that . See Figure 11.4.
This means that
is exterior to
and, therefore,
. This makes
obtuse, a
contradiction. Similarly, if
we can show that
obtuse. Thus, we must have that
This makes and
right triangles. By Corollary 1
above, since
has defect 0, each of them has defect 0, and we
have two right triangles with defect 0.
Thus, by SAS. Then
must also have defect 0. Now, clearly, since
and, hence,
is a rectangle.
Figure 11.6: Defect 0 for all right triangles
Since , we have that
and then,
has defect 0. Using Corollary
1 to Theorem 11.4 we find
and thus,
Therefore, each triangle has defect 0.
Corollary 1: If there is a triangle with positive defect, then all triangles have positive defect.